The fall 2003 GW Magazine arrived in my mailbox and I was duly impressed with such a sophisticated publication. I began to read the articles and to my dismay, read the review of Mr. Trachtenbergs book. As an educator, I was especially interested in the article. As an alumna, I am distressed to learn that I graduated from a so-so university.
I chose to attend GW over other schools because of its course offerings, professors, location, reputation, and, finally, how it encouraged independent thinking. My parents agreed with my choice and paid handsomely for my education. I never regretted my choice and have been proud to say that I am an alumna.
I take exception with your reviewer. I was not born too soon despite my children reminding me of my age and will continue to recommend GW to my students. However, I do hope that the editor uses more discretion and more red ink in the future.
Sherry Gleason Monahan, BA 82
Lincoln University, Pa.
The editor replies: We are with you 100 percent! The writer did not intend to offend our alumni; rather, he aimed to summarize the many improvements made to the University by President Trachtenberg.
Skirting Around
The articles in GW Magazine are crisp, fresh, and to the point. You do a good job of keeping alumni up to date and informed about current GW activities and upcoming events. And judging from various campus photos, the University looks like an architectural wonderlandnothing like the modest classrooms and overgrown pathways I enjoyed during my student days there.
Leafing through the magazine one gets the impression that GW is rife with current and former students full of dynamowhose company I am pleased to share, even if I have less of that go-get-em spirit.
A couple of items in particular caught my eye. Bob Lehrmans article about Ms. Gilliam notes that in 1961 women only could wear dresses or skirts to class. I wonder when the dress code changed. Or what previous dress codes were like at the turn of the (last) century. Along this line the GW in History sidebar featured neat historical tid-bits. The cost of an entire year of college classes in 1903 for $100. Imagine, one c-notethe mind boggles at such a bargain.
I appreciate your efforts with the magazine and keeping me connected to the alma mater.
Anthony Narcisso, BA 83
Washington, DC
After reading the fall 2003 issue of GW Magazine, do I understand that men can now wear skirts to classhow many of them take advantage of this? I am referring to the statement on page 9: at a time when women only could wear dresses or skirts to class.
Rosa Lee Wathen, MA 50
Waldorf, Md.
The editor replies: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to clarify the comment. We meant to convey that women did not have the option to wear pants or shorts to class in those days. And no, I havent seen any men wearing skirts on campus lately.
I enjoy the magazine very much. Im retired, but I still enjoy reading about the events and people at GW. Keep up the good work.
Tom Crowley, BA 57, MA 60
Suitland, Md.