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GW Law Briefs

In History

25 Years Ago

GW Law’s Immigration Practice Clinic was founded in August 1980, The Advocate reported. It was originally operated by nine second- and third-year students under the supervision of Richard Boswell, JD ’79. The program was funded during its first year by a grant from the Department of Education’s clinical legal education program.

50 Years Ago

The Cleveland, Ohio, Plain Dealer reported that GW Law offered a new course on “control and the use of atomic energy” in May 1955. Assistant Dean Louis H. Mayo told the paper the course was believed to be the first of its kind.

100 Years Ago

“Last Saturday night, at an appropriate time and place, 20 members of the Law School assembled and re-formed the Tight Wad Club whose doings and insignia are peculiar unto itself,” reports a March 1905 issue of The GW Hatchet. The meeting’s mission was to organize “a Smoker of the entire Law Department in some hotel in the near future.”