Faculty File
News Briefs From Around The Law School
Jerome Barron’s “Citizenship Matters:
The Enemy Combatant Cases” was published
in the Notre Dame Journal
of Law, Ethics & Public
Policy symposium “Security and Liberty.” His
chapter “Creating a New First Amendment
Right” was published in Defending
the First—Commentary on First Amendment
Issues and Cases, edited by Joseph Russomano (Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 2005).
“Beyond Retribution and Impunity: Responding
to War Crimes of Sexual Violence” by Naomi
Cahn appeared in 1 Stanford
Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 217 (2005)
as part of the journal’s inaugural issue
symposium. She published “Adoptees, Families,
Stepfamilies, and Inheritance,” in 8
Adoption Quarterly 57 (2004).
Steve Charnovitz published: “An Analysis
of Pascal Lamy’s Proposal on Collective
Preferences” in 8 Journal
of International Economic Law 311 (2005); “Belgian Family
Allowances and the Challenge of Origin-Based
Discrimination” in 4 World
Trade Review 7 (2005); a chapter on “The World Environment
Organization” in an edited volume (U.N.
University Press, 2005); and commentary on “The
Relevance of Non-State Actors to International
Law” in an edited conference volume (Max
Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law
and International Law, 2005).
“Revitalizing the Forgotten Uniformity
Constraint on the Commerce Power” by
Thomas Colby appeared in 91 Virginia
Law Review 249 (2005).
“From Emancipation to Equality: The Afro-Latin’s
Unfinished Struggle,” a review essay
by Robert J. Cottrol, was published in 57 American
Quarterly 573 (2005). He also published “Contemporary
Brazilian Struggle Against Racial Inequality:
Some Preliminary Comparative Thoughts” at
66 University of Pittsburgh
Law Review 113
Charles Craver co-wrote the 11th edition
of Labor Relations Law:
Cases and Materials (Matthew Bender, 2005). His “Negotiating Employment
Opportunities” was published in the
September issue of The
Negotiator Magazine.
Craver also provided written material and
video commentary for a book and CD being
prepared by K.P. Berger of the University
of Cologne.
This fall, GW Law first-year
students are using a legal writing and analysis
textbook, Legal Research
and Writing (Foundation
Press, 2005), co-written by Christy
DeSanctis and Michael Murray.
C. Thomas Dienes and Jerome
Barron published
the 2005 cumulative supplement to their casebook,
Constitutional Law: Principles and Policy
(6th edition; LexisNexis, 2002), and are
working on its seventh edition.
Recent publications by William
Kovacic include: “Measuring
What Matters: The Federal Trade Commission
and Investments in Competition Policy Research
and Development” in 72 Antitrust
Law Journal 861 (2005); “The Impact of Leniency
and Whistleblowing Programs on Cartels” in
International Journal
of Industrial Organization (2005) with Cecile Aubert and Patrick Rey; “Achieving
Better Practices in the Design of Competition
Policy Institutions” in On
the Merits—Current
Issues in Competition Law and Policy 195 (edited
by Paul Lugard and Leigh Hancher, Intersentia,
2005); and “Competition Policy Cooperation
and the Pursuit of Better Practices” in
The Future of Transatlantic
Economic Relations: Continuity Amid Discord 65 (David M. Andrews,
Mark A. Pollock, Gregory C. Shaffer, and
Helen Wallace, editors; Robert Schuman Centre,
European University Institute; 2005).
Cynthia Lee’s “Murder and the Reasonable
Man Revisited: A Response to Victoria Nourse” is
featured in the fall issue of the Ohio
State Journal of Criminal Law. Her “Interest
Convergence and the Cultural Defense” is
forthcoming in a symposium on culture and crime
in the Florida Journal
of Law and Public Policy.
“Suburban Sprawl, Jewish Law, and Jewish
Values” by Michael
Lewyn appears in
13 Southeastern Environmental
Law Journal 1 (2004).
West published a new casebook by
Gregory Maggs, Terrorism
and the Law, in
“Taking Multinational Corporate Codes
of Conduct to the Next Level” by
Sean Murphy appeared in 43 Columbia
Journal of Transnational Law 389 (2005). His presentation
from October 2004 on the legal framework
for preemptive self-defense was published
in 29 Fletcher Forum
of World Affairs 33
Peter Raven-Hansen served as the
reporter and principal author for “Deciding to Use
Force Abroad: War Powers in a System of Checks
and Balances,” a report of the War
Powers Initiative of the Constitution Project,
published in June. The initiative was a
blue-ribbon committee of former officials
from all three branches, legal scholars,
and NGO officials who convened to
make recommendations about war
powers decisions.
Reitze published Stationary
Source Air Pollution Law (Environmental Law Institute,
The 11th Circuit accepted an amicus brief
written by Catherine
Ross in Cobb
County School District v. Selman on behalf
of Georgia Citizens for Integrity in Science
Education et al., which will be argued
later this year by a GW
Law alumna.
Schooner’s “Contractor Atrocities
at Abu Ghraib: Compromised Accountability in
a Streamlined, Outsourced Government” was
published in 16 Stanford
Law & Policy Review (2005). His feature comment “Empty Promise
for the Acquisition Workforce” appeared
in the May 4 issue of The
Government Contractor.
Schooner also published “Viewpoint: Procurement
Proper” in 14 Government
Executive 86 (2005).
The third edition of Michael
Selmi’s casebook, Civil
Rights Litigation, (Carolina
Academic Press, 2005) was published this summer.
The book was co-written by Roy Brooks and Gil
Sharpe’s 1991 casebook on medical
liability was edited and expanded as Liability
in Medicine and Public Health, (Thomson/West,
2004) by Marcia M. Boumil of the Tufts
University School of Medicine. His article “Admiralty
Jurisdiction: The Power over Cases” appeared
in 79 Tulane Law Review 1149 (2005),
supporting his appearance at the Tulane
Admiralty Law Institute.
In August, Lewis Solomon published Financial
Security & Personal Wealth (Transaction
Publishers, 2005).
Daniel Solove’s “Melville’s
Billy Budd and Security in Times of Crisis” in
26 Cardozo Law Review 2443 (2005) was published
in May as part of a law and literature symposium
issue. His “Data Privacy and the Vanishing
Fourth Amendment” was published in The
Champion magazine in May. Solove has several
pieces forthcoming publication: “A Taxonomy
of Privacy” in the University
of Pennsylvania
Law Review; “The Multistate Bar Exam
as a Theory of Law” in the Michigan Law
Review; “Fourth Amendment Codification
and Professor Kerr’s Misguided Call for
Judicial Deference” in a symposium issue
of the Fordham Law
Review; “A Model Regime
of Privacy Protection,” co-written by
Chris Hoofnagle, in the University
of Illinois Law Review; and the second edition of his casebook, Information
Privacy Law (Aspen Publishers).
Concise Hornbook on International Business
Transactions, Trade and Economic Relations(West Group, 2005) by Andy
Spanogle was published
in August. The eighth edition of his International
Business Transactions: A Problem-Oriented
Coursebook (West Group, 2005) was published
in July.
G. Steinhardt’s monograph, “Corporate
Responsibility and the International Law of
Human Rights: The New Lex Mercatoria,” was
published as part of a book titled Non-State
Actors and Human Rights, edited
by Philip Alston (Oxford University Press,
2005). The piece was based on lectures
he had given at the European University
Academy in Florence and at Oxford as
part of the Caceris Memorial Lecture
Christopher Yukins published two comments
on procurement reform, “Understanding the
Current Wave of Procurement Reform—Devolution
of the Contracting Function” in 47 The
Government Contractor 255 (2005) and “A
Pedagogical Perspective on Training the Acquisition
Workforce” in 47 The
Government Contractor 204 (2005). He also published a piece on emerging
issues in comparative public procurement law, “UNCITRAL
Considers Electronic Reverse Auctions, as Comparative
Public Procurement Comes of Age in the United
States,” in 2005 Public
Procurement Law Review No. 4, 183, with Don Wallace Jr. of
Georgetown University.
Activities, Awards & Honors
Adelman in May presented “Recent
Case Law of the CAFC under The Doctrine of
Equivalents post ‘Festo’” in
Munich, Germany, at a seminar sponsored by
VPP Bezirksgruppe. In June, he delivered “Provisional
Measures in Patent Cases” at the International
Congress on Commercial and Business Law held
at the University of Buenos Aires School of
Law. In July, he moderated a panel that included
Federal District Judge Kent A. Jordan, Peter
Meier-Beck of the German Federal Supreme Court,
Takuya Ueda of the new Tokyo IP High Court,
and Mario Franzosi of the University of Verona.
The panel was titled “Claim Construction,
Examination of Phillips Questions from the
Comparative Law Perspective” and
was part of the High Technology Protection
Summit sponsored by the University
of Washington Law School in Seattle.
After appearing in the film Super
Size Me, John Banzhaf III has consulted on several
obesity-related cases and obtained a ruling
from the federal government permitting insurance
companies to charge the obese more for health
insurance. He has also played a major role
in the adoption of the world’s first international anti-tobacco
treaty, and he is now helping to lead a coalition
of almost 200 organizations in about 100 countries
to help enforce it. He has also helped to organize
almost a dozen international teaching symposia/conferences
on the treaty, including a recent one attended
by the president of Uruguay. Banzhaf also played
a significant role in convincing the federal
government to seek certiorari of a ruling that
emasculated its civil prosecution of major
cigarette companies, and in persuading Washington
to become the 17th state to consider parental
smoking as a factor in custody battles and
prompt several beaches to ban smoking. He has
made appearances on The
Late Late Show and
The Daily Show; his writings have appeared
in The New York
Times and USA
Today; and Banzhaf
was recently profiled in The
American Lawyer.
Bishop presented “The Bankruptcy
of an LLC Member: Does the Trustee Run the
Company?” at the August ABA meeting in
Chicago. A bankruptcy law article is forthcoming.
He also made a presentation at the September
ABA meeting in San Francisco on “The
Taxation of Charging Orders: A Procrustean
Nightmare.” A federal tax article
is forthcoming.
In April, Naomi Cahn presented a
paper at the University of Maryland
Law School symposium on “Women and the ‘New’ Corporate
Governance.” She also presented “Child
Soldiers and Child Witches” at the Emory
Law School Feminism and Legal Theory Project’s
conference on “Competing Paradigms of
Rights and Responsibility.” She is co-editor
of the “Legal Intersections” column
of Adoption Quarterly.
In July, Steve Charnovitz delivered
a lecture at the Inter-American Development
Bank on worker rights in trade. In September,
he participated in a panel session on
trade, environment, and indigenous communities
at a conference in Washington sponsored
by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Over the summer, he gave lectures at
GW to visiting groups from Korea and
Thailand and participated in a panel
session at the Elliott School of International
Affairs for state government officials.
In addition, he was elected to the editorial
board of the World Trade Review, a peer-reviewed
journal published by Cambridge University
Robert J. Cottrol delivered “Cultura
y Leyes: La Segregación Racial en la
Justicia de los Estados Unidos” in
June before the Instituto de
Relaciones Internacionales, Facultad
de Ciencias Juridicas y Sociales
at La Universidad Nacional de
la Plata in Argentina.
In June,
Charles Craver made a presentation on negotiating
to business lawyers at the Transnational
Center in Cologne, and he taught
a class on negotiating to law students at
the University of Cologne. He also made a
presentation on U.S. labor and employment
law to international labor specialists at
the Meridian International Center in Washington.
Jack Friedenthal was re-elected for a three-year
term as a public member of the
National Architectural Accreditation Board, the authority that approves
or disapproves programs at schools
of architecture throughout the United States.
In May, Susan Karamanian presented “International
and U.S. Death Penalty Jurisprudence:
The Challenge of Medellin
v. Dretke” at
a conference sponsored by the North American
Consortium on Legal Education at Dalhousie
University Law School in Halifax, Canada. She
also discussed “The
Changing Shape of Law in an Increasingly
Borderless World” at a dinner for the
directors of the Library of Congress’s
Global Legal Information Network. Karamanian
served on the planning committee for the 2005
Hague Joint Conference on Contemporary Issues
in International Law sponsored by the American
Society of International Law and the Nederlandse
Vereniging voor International Recht. The conference
was held this summer in The Hague, and she
chaired the panel “Specialized
and Niche International Institutions:
Special Issues of Reform.”
William Kovacic in July presented “Convergence
and Conflict in Global Competition
Policy: Modern Trends” at the Catham
House conference in London and “The Use
of Ex Post Evaluations in Formulating Competition
Policy” at
the Latin American Competition
Forum of the Inter-American Development Bank
and the Latin American Competition Forum in
Madrid. Kovacic also participated in a U.S.
Agency for International Development program
in Astana, Kazakhstan, to advise the government
of Kazakhstan about possible reforms to Kazakhstan’s
antimonopoly law. In August, he presented “The
Legal Principles of Competition Law Enforcement” at
the Competition Law Conference
of the Competition Commission of Singapore; “Regional
Cooperation and the Development of Competition
Policy in Asia” at the Consumer Unity
and Trust Society seminar on Competition Law
in Developing Countries in Hanoi, Vietnam;
and “Creating
a Curriculum for Competition
Policy” at
the ASEAN conference on Competition
Policy, in Bangkok, Thailand.
Lee will moderate a panel
on “Contemporary
Issues in Race and Crime” sponsored
by the AALS Criminal Justice
Section and the AALS Minority
Law Professors Section at the
AALS meeting in January. She
also was invited to speak on
a panel about teaching self-defense
at the AALS Workshop on Criminal
Law and Procedure, to be held
in Vancouver, Canada, in June.
Lee was appointed to serve as
chair of the Multicultural Women
Attorneys Network by the ABA
Commission on Racial and Ethnic
Diversity in the Profession.
In July, Ira C. Lupu and Robert
Tuttle spoke about the Faith-Based
and Community Initiative at a plenary
session of the annual conference
of the American Public Human Services
Association. Lupu also addressed
this subject in a panel presentation to
the National Grants Management Association
in May. In addition, Lupu serves on an
advisory committee to the Joint Center
for Political and Economic Studies in connection
with its research project on the Faith-Based
Initiative and black churches.
Michael Matheson participated in the May-August
session of the U.N. International
Law Commission as the Commission’s American member.
In July, he made a presentation
on the United States and international organizations to the
joint conference of the American
and Netherlands International Law Societies in The Hague.
In June, Joan Meier presented
an overview of Castle Rock, Colorado
v. Gonzales to professionals involved
with the Greenbook, who were attending
a national conference in Colorado. The Greenbook
is a multiyear federally funded initiative
that brings together juvenile courts, child
welfare systems, and domestic violence advocates
to address the co-occurrence of child maltreatment
and domestic violence. In June, she also
spoke about the case at the annual conference
and “Lobby
Day” for domestic violence
advocates hosted by the National
Network to End Domestic Violence.
In July, she was a trainer
for the ABA Commission on
Domestic Violence’s
Civil Law Institute, which
provided specialized litigation
skills training for domestic
violence lawyers in Chicago.
In September, she spoke to
the D.C. Chapter of Zonta
International, a professional
women’s club committed
to battling poverty and furthering
rights and equality, about
the Castle Rock case. In
addition, she and several
of her students met with
10 Sharia (Islamic) judges
from Jordan to discuss family
law, violence against women,
and child protection in the
United States. The trip was
organized by the American
Embassy in Jordan and the
Academy for Educational Development.
At Ethical
Corporation magazine’s conference
in London in June, Larry
Mitchell gave the
keynote address. He also
presented before the Annenberg
Foundation Trust at Sunnylands
Institutions of Democracy
Commission on the Press.
At GW Law
in September, Sean
Murphy spoke about the success
of the December 2000 Ethiopia-Eritrea
peace agreement as part of a
symposium on “Conflict
Resolution in Africa: A Route
to Success?” He
also attended a meeting of
the U.S. Department of State’s Advisory Committee on Public
International Law. He chaired
a panel at GW Law in September on “Continuity and Change
in the Law of War: 1975 to
2005” at “Lawyers
and Wars: A Symposium in
Honor of Edward R. Cummings.”
On Sept. 30, Spencer
Overton presented the Capstone Address
at the University of the District
of Columbia Law Review Election
Reform Symposium. Overton is
a member of the Carter Baker
commission on Election Reform.
Raven-Hansen briefed and argued Linde
v. Arab Bank (E.D.N.Y., Sept.
2, 2005), in which Judge Gershon denied the bank’s
motions to dismiss complaints seeking treble
damages for the bank’s provision of material
support for terrorist attacks in Israel.
In June, Arnold
Reitze was a speaker at Pillsbury
Winthrop Shaw Pittman’s Global Energy
Conference. He also spoke on the panel titled “Clean
Air Act Update,” presented by the Environmental
Law Institute in September.
At the International Society
of Family Law’s
12th world Conference in Salt Lake City in
July, Catherine
Ross delivered “Comparative
Treatment of Religious Symbols in Public Schools:
The Problem of the Veil and Related Issues.”
Schooner discussed “Improving the
Efficiency of Public Procurement Systems” at
the Global Forum on Fighting Corruption in
Brasilia, Brazil, in June. He gave a series
of public-procurement related presentations
at the Joint World Trade Organization-Singapore
regional workshop on government procurement
for Asia-Pacific economies in July. Schooner
also gave a series of presentations addressing
government contract law at the Judge Advocate
General’s School of the Army in Charlottesville,
At the annual Law and Society
conference, held in Las Vegas
in June, Michael Selmi presented “Whatever
Happened to Hopwood?” He also chaired
a panel and served as commentator for papers
relating to contemporary issues of discrimination.
In May, Daniel
Solove testified
before a subcommittee of the House
Committee on Energy and Commerce
at a hearing on data security and
privacy. In June, he spoke at a
Congressional briefing by the Consortium
of Social Science Associations; spoke about
current issues on privacy law at a PLI
symposium and on national identification
at a symposium sponsored by the Electronic
Privacy Information Center; and participated
in a panel at the Law & Society conference
that focused on his new book, The
Digital Person.
In September, he spoke at a conference at the
Department of Homeland Security on the topic
of data mining and airline security.
In August at Lake Tahoe,
Andy Spanogle attended a
conference on Introducing
International and Comparative
Law Analysis into the First-Year
Curriculum. At the end of
the conference, he was asked
by West Group to take the
lead role in developing an
international and comparative
law materials supplement for first-year contracts
Steinhardt is serving as advising counsel
for the respondents in Ashcroft
v. O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal,
currently before the Supreme Court. The case involves
the interpretation of narcotics
control and human rights treaties under the Religious
Freedom Restoration Act.
He also represented a group of international law professors
pro bono appearing amicus curiae before the Second
Circuit in a case under the
Alien Tort Statute testing the liability of multinational corporations
for complicity in human rights
abuses committed by government officials. The issue on appeal
is whether there is an international
civil standard for aiding-and-abetting liability.
Oxford University Press invited
Steinhardt to become a member of the editorial
board of its new online publication, Oxford
Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts.
Adjunct faculty member Dwight
Sullivan is now serving as the chief defense counsel
for the Office of Military Commissions. He
is stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and
is working on cases related to the detainees
located there. Sullivan succeeded alum Will
Gunn, LLM ’94,
in the position.
In August, Robert
Tuttlegave a presentation on the
Faith-Based Initiative at
the annual meeting of the
Points of Light Foundation.
He also served on a panel that discussed
faith-based social services at a joint session
of the American Sociological Association
and the Association for the Sociology of
At the annual legal seminar sponsored by
the Conference of State Bank
Supervisors held in San Francisco in August,
Art Wilmarth presented “Federal
Preemption Update and Outlook on Emerging Risks
in the Banking System.” Since January,
Wilmarth’s comments about legal developments
in the financial services industry have been
quoted in 15 articles published in the financial
press, including the American
Banker, Barron’s,
Business Week, National Mortgage News, and BNA’s Securities Regulation
and Law Report.
Before the D.C. Bar in
June, Christopher Yukins headed the panel “Government
Contracts Law and You: Career Strategies and Opportunities.” He
also presented “Risk
Management: Ethics and
Compliance” at a
business contracting symposium;
presented “Legislating
Procurement Reform in the
U.S. Congress: Patterns
and Lessons” to
a delegation from Thailand’s
Council of State at GW
Law; and spoke on “Procurement
Integrity: Emerging Legal
Issues” at
a legal conference of the
Army Materiel Command in
New Orleans. Yukins is
now co-director of GW Law’s
Government Procurement
Law Program.
As of Jan. 1, Naomi
Cahn will succeed
Ira C. Lupu as associate dean for faculty
development. The role of the associate
dean for faculty development is to facilitate
and enhance the scholarly and teaching
life of the faculty, with a particular
focus on young faculty members. She meets
regularly with untenured faculty members
in order to encourage and help develop
their scholarship. For the faculty in
general, the associate dean for faculty
development encourages scholarly activity
by, among other means, recommending opportunities
for conferences, symposia, and outside
funding for research. She also engages
in furthering excellence in teaching.
Cahn has been with the Law School since
1993. For the five years prior to her
joining the faculty of the Law School,
Cahn was the assistant director of the
Sex Discrimination Clinic at Georgetown
University Law Center. Before that, she
held a variety of positions in private
and public interest sectors, including
serving as an associate with Hogan & Hartson’s
Washington office and as a staff attorney
with Philadelphia’s Community Legal
Services. She teaches courses on family
law, professional responsibility, trusts
and estates, and child, family, and state.
Her latest book, co-written with Joan
Heifetz Hollinger, is Families
by Law: An Adoption Reader (New York University
Press, 2004).