GW Law School Fall 2003
A Magazine for Alumni and Friends

GW Law Briefs

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Faculty File: News Briefs From Around the Law School


photoSusan R. Jones was named the 2003-04 Haywood Burns Visiting Chair in Civil Rights at the City University of New York Law School at Queens College. The Burns Chair, named after CUNY’s second dean and civil rights activist Haywood Burns, enables experts—lawyers, scholars, and activists—to contribute their experiences, wisdom, and viewpoints to ensure that civil rights remain part of the legal community’s consciousness. Jones was selected because of her pioneering work in microenterprise, economic justice, and community economic development.

photoVisiting research professor of law Michael J. Matheson was elected to the Interna-tional Law Commission, a United Nations body established by the U.N. General Assembly in 1947 to promote the development and codification of international law through the preparation of draft treaties and other instruments.

photoIn July, Black Enterprise magazine profiled Spencer Overton and nine other individuals in its story “Black Leadership: The Next Generation.”

photoStephen Saltzburg was appointed by ABA President Dennis Archer to be the chair of the newly created ABA Justice Kennedy Commission. The committee will study the issues and questions related to criminal justice raised by Kennedy in his speech to the ABA in August, including the length of sentences currently specified in sentencing guidelines; whether some forms of parole shouldn’t be more readily available; and whether certain kinds of supervised release programs shouldn’t be enacted.

photoThe U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom elected Dean Michael K. Young to serve as its chair. Young and the Law School, along with the BYU International Center for Law and Religion Studies sponsored the Tenth Annual Law and Religion Symposium, which was held in the Law School’s Faculty Conference Center in October.

He also has been appointed to the Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Commission to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.

Young has delivered many speeches recently. Before the Korean Federation of Industries in Seoul, Young spoke on “U.S.-Korea Trade Relations: Multilateral and Bilateral Issues.” He spoke before the Mansfield Center on “Reform of Legal Education in Japan,” and testified before two different Committees of the House of Representatives and one Committee of the Senate on “International Religious Freedom,” focusing in relation to Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and North Korea. He also gave a paper presentation in Japan on “Japanese Legal Consciousness: An Empirical View.”


  • Jerome Barron’s “Rights of Access and Reply to the Media in the United States Today” was published in 12 Communications and the Law 1 (2003). With colleague C. Thomas Dienes and coauthors, he published the 2003 supplement to the casebook Constitutional Law: Principles and Policy with LexisNexis.
  • In The Legal Times, Paul Butler published an essay on the Supreme Court’s recent affirmative action cases, as well as “Terrorism and Utilitarianism: Lessons from, and for, Criminal Law” in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology.
  • Naomi Cahn published “Battered Women, Child Maltreatment, Prison, and Poverty: Issues for Theory and Practice” as part of the American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law symposium issue on domestic violence (2003) and “Parenthood, Genes, and Gametes: The Family Law and Trusts and Estates Perspectives” as part of a symposium at 32 University of Memphis Law Review 563 (2002).
  • “The American Worker: Junior Partner in Success and Senior Partner in Failure” by Charles Craver appeared in the University of San Francisco Law Review as part of a symposium on labor in the 21st century. He also coauthored the 2003 supplement to Labor Relations Law.
  • The American Bar Association’s Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Development magazine will publish Lynn Cunningham’s “Public Housing Authorities’ Part in Solving America’s Housing Crisis: A Structural Analysis of Housing Subsidy Delivery Systems.”
  • Chip Lupu and Robert Tuttle published “Zelman’s Future: Vouchers, Sectarian Providers, and the Next Round of Constitutional Battles” at 78 Notre Dame Law Review 917 (2003).
  • American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law published “Domestic Violence, Child Custody and Child Protection: Understanding Judicial Resistance and Imagining the Solutions” by Joan Meier.
  • The fall issue of the European Journal of International Law included Sean Murphy’s article “International Law, the United States, and the Non-Military ‘War’ Against Terrorism.”
  • Dawn Nunziato’s “Freedom of Expression, Democ-ratic Norms, and Internet Governance” appeared in the Emory Law Journal. “Toward a Constitutional Regulation of Minors’ Access to Harmful Internet Speech” will be published in Chicago-Kent Law Review’s fall issue.
  • “Judicial Manageability and the Campaign Finance Thicket” by Spencer Overton was published in the University of Pennsylvania’s Journal of Constitutional Law.
  • The second edition of Ellen Podgor’s co-authored casebook, White Collar Crime: Law & Practice, was published, along with a new statutory and documentary supplement and a 2003 supplement to her co-authored casebook, International Criminal Law.
  • In August, Aspen published Peter Raven-Hansen’s 2003 supplement to National Security Law. He submitted “Security’s Conquest of Law Enforce-ment” for publication as a chapter in Marcus Raskin and Carl Levan’s In Democracy’s Shadow.
  • Steve Schooner’s opinion “The Open Market” appeared in the June 2003 Government Executive.
  • Based on a presentation during a symposium on subtle discrimination held at Columbia Law School, Michael Selmi’s “Subtle Discrimination: A Matter of Perspective Rather than Intent” was published in 34 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 657 (2003).
  • In June, the sixth edition of Andy Spanogle’s International Business Transactions: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook was published by WestGroup.

Activities, Awards, and Honors

  • In May, Martin Adelman delivered lectures on developments in biotech patent law at a joint meeting of the Patent Attorneys Association of Israel and its Israel Group, and at the Second National Biotechnology Week Conference & Exhibition. Both events were held in Tel Aviv, Israel. In June, he presented “The Role of Patents in the Quest for Affordable Access to Drugs” at a World Bank workshop. Adelman also delivered “Compulsory Licensing of Drugs: TRIPS Context” at the ATRIP Congress 2003 in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo, where he moderated a program on international IP law. In Amman, Jordan, he delivered a plenary lecture, “Patents and Technological Innovation, at the plenary session of Jordan IP Week.
  • Promoting a new legal movement to fight the public health problem of obesity, John Banzhaf III secured four major legal victories yielding more than $15 million in wins and catalyzing dramatic changes by major food companies, increased disclosures about fattening foods. Dozens of pending legislative proposals have resulted from his work. Banzhaf also was honored by the Framework Convention Alliance for his role in helping to fight smoking and protect the rights of nonsmokers. In Helsinki, Finland, he spoke at the 12th World Conference on Tobacco and Health on how to use legal action to deny custody to parents who smoke around their children.
  • Paul Butler testified before the U.S. Civil Rights Commission on racial disparities in incarceration. He spoke about the Patriot Act at the NAACP’s national convention and at the judicial conference of the National Bar Association. He spoke on the ethical obligations of prosecutors at the Black Prosecutor Association’s national convention. In September, he presented a paper at a conference on judicial ethics at Hofstra Law School. Butler also was elected to the American Law Institute.
  • The D.C. Council’s Judiciary Committee named Mary Cheh special counsel in its investigation of police department polices and practices for handling large-scale demonstrations.
  • On the topic “Gun Laws and Policies: A Dialogue,” Robert Cottrol was a participant in the Spring 2003 Focus on Law Studies, published by the Divison for Public Education of the ABA. He delivered “Centers for Research on Legal History in the United States” before the Institute for Research on Legal History in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in August. Cottrol attended the LatCrit Colloquium on International and Comparative Law in Buenos Aires, where he presented “Social Science and Anti-Discrimination Litigation: Can Lessons from the U.S. Experience be Applied to the Issue of Racial Exclusion in Latin America?”
  • At the Meridian House, Charles Craver made a presentation to foreign labor and employment experts.
  • Supervised by Lynn Cunningham and Jeffrey Gutman, the Public Justice Advocacy Clinic gained a major legal victory in August. The clinic sued the D.C. Jail to challenge the over-detention of prisoners and the blanket strip searching of prisoners entitled to release. Judge Royce Lamberth certified a class of strip search claimants and denied the D.C. government’s motion to reconsider his earlier certification of the class of over-detention plaintiffs.
  • Shi-Ling Hsu participated in a forum organized by Shell Oil to promote discussion about its operations and environmental impacts in Washington in September. He presented “Fairness v. Efficiency in Environmental Law” at the Midwest Law and Economics Association meeting held in Indianapolis in October.
  • At the invitation of the U.S. Department of State, Suzanne Jackson will provide assistance to prosecutors, attorneys, and social service providers from El Salvador on the use of multidisciplinary legal responses to child abuse and domestic violence.
  • At the Symposium on Private Investments Abroad in Dallas, Susan Karamanian presented “Are We Experiencing the Heyday or the Decline of International Law?” in June. She was part of a team of three lawyers who succeeded in obtaining a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of Texas death row inmate Paul Richard Colella, who was relapsed from death row in August.
  • In July at the annual meeting of the American Public Human Services Association in Washington and in September at the annual meeting of the Religion Newswriters Association in Seattle, Chip Lupu and Robert Tuttle made presentations on legal questions arising from President Bush’s Faith-Based Initiative.
  • Joan Meier in September presented a description of DVLEAP, her nonprofit organization dedicated to taking and placing pro bono domestic violence appeals, as part of a brown bag lunch panel sponsored by the Washington Council of Lawyers.
  • In May, Sean Murphy chaired a session at a conference on “International Law and Humanitarian Intervention,” held by the McCormick Tribune Foundation in Cantigny, Ill., in conjunction with Northwestern University School of Law. In July, he commented on “The Structure of the International and European Legal System and Its Values” at a conference on Contemporary Issues of International Law held at The Hague, The Netherlands.
  • At a program on U.S. intellectual property rights sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and the Academy for Educational Development, Dawn Nunziato was the keynote speaker at the opening ceremony. She also lectured on copyright law and the fair use doctrine at the U.S.-North Africa Economic Partnership’s Intellectual Property and Internet Technologies Consultative Tour sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Agency for International Development. On behalf of the Law School’s Intellectual Property Program, Nunziato launched the Fair Use section of the Chilling Effects Clearinghouse, a Web-based forum dedicated to informing Internet users of their rights under the fair use doctrine and the First Amendment to make use of others’ copyrighted works.
  • Spencer Overton presented “The Boundaries of Campaign Reform” at a faculty workshop at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis. He served on panels discussing the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 at American University and the University of Pennsylvania Law School, published a Legal Times commentary about the lower court’s opinion in McConnell v. FEC and debated Sam Issacharoff at Harvard Law School about whether Congress should reauthorize Section Five of the Voting Rights Act. Overton was appointed to the National Governing Board of Common Cause and to advisory boards of the Campaign Legal Center and the Center for Responsive Politics.
  • At the annual Southeast Association of Law Schools conference, Ellen Podgor moderated panels on “Indigent Defense and Technology in the Classroom.”
  • In May, at the Eighth Annual LatCrit Conference held in Cleveland, Alfreda Robinson was a presenter for a panel on “Reparations, Affirmative Action and Race-Conscious Remedies: Teaching It and Doing It;” a presenter for “The RoPay Study of Leadership Diversity at Law Schools;” and a presenter for the junior faculty development workshop “On Balance: Teaching, Writing, and Succeeding.” In June, Robinson chaired the steering committee meeting for a meeting of Law Faculty/ People of Color held in New York and hosted the minorities sections breakfast for the AALS New Teachers Conference in Washington. In July, she was a presenter for the panel “Selected Topics in Constitutional Law” at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools conference in Amelia Island, Fla., and was the featured dean for The African American Lawyer’s documentary taping at the Law School Admission Council in Washington.
  • Steve Schooner testified before the House Small Business Committee in May on “Small Business and Public Procurement.” He served as a panelist at the Federal Circuit Bench & Bar Conference in Amelia Island, Fla., and addressed “Competi-tion, Reform, and Acquisition Philosophy” at the Defense Logistics Agency Annual Counsel Seminar in Arlington, Va. In June, he discussed “Time and Materials Contracts” at the U.S. General Accounting Office and “The Federal Government Contracting Process” at the U.S. Small Business Administration, both in Washington. He presented “The U.S. Govern-ment Procurement Regime” and “Domestic Review Procedures” at the World Trade Organization Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean Joint Regional Workshop on government procurement in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July.
  • At the New York University School of Law in May, Michael Selmi was the luncheon speaker at the annual Labor Law. His talk, “Contemporary Class Action Litigation,” and a version of the talk are scheduled to be published in a collected works next year. In June, he presented “Sex Discrimina-tion in the Nineties, Seventies Style” at the annual Law and Society Conference in Pittsburgh. In July, Selmi gave two talks at CLE conferences held at the NAACP Annual Convention held in Miami. He spoke on the Supreme Court’s affirmative action decision involving the University of Michigan and on the difficulty of proving employment discrimination cases.
  • Andy Spanogle made a presentation in June in Rome to The Rome Institute on “How Differences in Substantive Contract Law Can Affect Choice of Law Analysis under the Rome Convention.”
  • In August, James Starrs was engaged as the director of a scientific team which exhumed and autopsied the remains of Chief Petty Officer Thomas Traylor in Pinedale, Wyo., to determine whether the chief’s death a year ago was a homicide, accident, or suicide. Starrs’ lecture given at the Mutter Museum’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in Philadelphia in March was televised on C-Span. The subject concerned famous exhumations. He was appointed to the advisory boards of two new forensic science programs: The Institute of Forensic Sciences at the Office of the Nebraska Chief Medical Examiner in Lincoln, Neb., and at Carlow College in Pittsburgh. He was accepted for membership in the Geological Society of America.
  • At the Health Law Teachers Conference in Wilmington, Del., in June, Sonia Suter presented “Disentangling Privacy from Property.”
  • In May, Art Wilmarth presented oral and written testimony at a joint hearing held by committees of the California State Senate and State Assembly in Sacramento. The topic was “The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s Preemption Campaign: A Serious Threat to the Viability of State Banking Regulation.” He spoke on the same topic at the legal seminar for state banking department attorneys, sponsored by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, in Savannah, Ga., in August.

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