Faculty File:News Briefs from Around the Law School
- Jerome Barrons paper, Globalism and National Media Policies in the United States and Canada: A Critique of C. Edwin Bakers Media Markets and Democracy, was published in 42 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 971 (2002).
- In August, Jerome Barron, C. Thomas Dienes, and co-authors published the supplement to the casebook Constitutional Law: Principles and Policy, Cases and Materials (6th ed. 2002) with Lexis.
- In August, Raj Bhalas article Theological Categories for Special and Differential Treatment, was published in the Kansas Law Review as part of a symposium on Globalization and Sovereignty. Also in August, part one of his article The Third World, the Muslim World, and the New Trade Round, was published in the British journal International Trade Law and Regulation.
- Pathologies at the Intersection of the Budget and Tax Legislative Processes, an article by Cheryl Block, was published in September by the Boston College Law Review.
- William Brattons article Venture Capital on the Downside: Preferred Stock and Corporate Control, was published in 100 Michigan Law Review 891 (2002).
- W. Burlette Carters article Sounding the Death Knell for In Loco Parentis: A Nonprofit Organization to Protect Student Athletes, appears in the Indiana Law Review this fall.
- Charles Cravers article Gender and Negotiation Performance, was published in the September 2002 issue of Sociological Practice. He also co-authored the 2002 supplements to Employment Discrimination Law and the Employment Law Treatise.
- Matthew Harrington will publish The Original Understanding of the So-Called Takings Clause, in Hastings Law Review.
- Susan Jones article, Current Issues in the Changing Roles and Practices of Community Economic Development Lawyers, was published in 2 Wisconsin Law Review 437 (2002).
- Susan Karamanians article, The Road to the Tribunal and Beyond: International Commercial Arbitration and United States Courts, was published in 34 The George Washington International Law Review 17 (2002). She also published An Americans Perspective on Antipodean Contributions to International Law, in the 9th Conference Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Society of International Law 17 (2002).
- Orin Kerrs essay A Lukewarm Defense of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, was published this summer in Copy Fights: The Future of Intellectual Property in the Information Age, Adam Thierer and Wayne Crews, eds., (Cato Institute, 2002).
- Cynthia Lichtenstein published Hard Law v. Soft Law: Unnecessary Dichotomy? in 35 International Lawyer 1433 (2002).
- Gregory Maggs presented a paper on Regulating Electronic Commerce, at the XVIth International Congress of Comparative Law held in Brisbane, Australia. The paper was published in 50 (Supp.) American Journal of Comparative Law 665 (2002).
- The latest edition of the American Journal of International Law included Michael Mathesons piece U.S. Military Commissions: One of Several Options. The piece deals with the implications of the use of military commissions to try persons detained following the Sept. 11 attacks.
- Sean Murphy and Professor Emeritus (and Judge on the International Court of Justice) Thomas Buergenthal published Public International Law in a Nutshell (3d ed., 2002) with West Group. Murphy also published United States Practice in International Law, 1999-2001 (2002) with Cambridge University Press.
- Spencer Overton published Racial Disparities and the Political Function of Property, in 49 UCLA Law Review 1553 (2002).
- This summer, Richard Pierce published The Special Contributions of the D.C. Circuit in Administrative Law, in Georgetown Law Journal; Regional Transmission Organizations: Federal Limitations Needed for Tort Liability, in Energy Law Journal; and How Will the California Debacle Affect Energy Deregula-tion, in Administrative Law Review.
- In May, Aspen published the third edition of Peter Raven-Havens (pictured at right) co-authored National Security Law, the first law casebook on counter-terrorism law.
- Arnold Reitzes article, State and Federal Command and Control Regulation of Emissions From Fossil-Fuel Electric Power Generating Plants, was published in a symposium issue dealing with the electric power industry in 32 Environmental Law 369 (2002).
- Alfreda Robinsons article Corporate Social Responsibility and African American Reparations: Jubilee, will be published in the Rutgers Law Review Fall 2002 issue.
- Steven Schooners article Badge of Courage, appeared in the August issue of Government Executive magazine.
- Michael Selmi published Remedying Societal Discrimination Through the Spending Power, in the North Carolina Law Review. He also published a book chapter, co-authored with Molly McUsic, entitled Difference and Solidarity: Unions in a Postmodern Age, in Labour Law in an Era of Globalization, published by Oxford University Press.
- Jonathan Siegels article The D.C. Circuit and the Struggle for Control of Presidential Information, co-written with the Honorable Patricia M. Wald, appeared in 90 Georgetown Law Journal 737 (2002).
- In July, the fifth edition of Andy Spanogles International Business Transactions: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook was published by West Group. His article Commercial Transactions by Electronic Commerce, was published in 10 U.S.-Mexico Law Journal 165 (2002).
- Sonia Suters article The Routinization of Prenatal Testing: Cause and Effect, was published in 28 American Journal of Law & Medicine 233 (2002).
- Roger Trangsruds new student treatise, Complex Litigation: Problems in Advanced Civil Procedure, was published in September by Foundation Press as part of its Concepts and Insights Series. It is designed for use in both basic and advanced civil procedure courses.
- Art Wilmarth published How Should We Respond to the Growing Risks of Financial Conglomerates? in Patricia A. McCoy, ed., Financial Modernization after Gramm-Leach-Bliley (Lexis, 2002). His piece The Transformation of the U.S. Financial Services Industry, 1975-2000: Competition, Consolidation and Increased Risks, was published in University of Illinois Law Review 215 (2002).
Awards & Honors
- Raj Bhala was appointed by the Washington University School of Law in St. Louis to serve on its International Advisory Board.
- W. Burlette Carter has been appointed the chair of the Law Faculty Involvement Committee within the ABA Section on Litigation. She is tasked with finding ways to involve law faculty in the ABAs work including creating opportunities for presentation of scholarship to practitioners groups.
- Jack Friedenthal was elected to a three-year term as a public member of the National Architectural Accrediting board in Washington, D.C. The board makes accreditation decisions regarding the 120 schools of architecture in the United States. Under the laws of most states, unless a school is accredited, its graduates cannot become licensed architects in those states.
- Jeffrey Gutman and three students recently settled on favorable terms of a Section 1983 case brought by a former Lorton, Va., prison inmate challenging on Eighth Amendment grounds the prisons failure to provide him needed medical treatment. The Public Justice Advocacy Clinic was appointed counsel for the plaintiff by the courts pro bono panel and received a certificate of appreciation by Chief Judge Hogan at a ceremony held for the panel.
- This summer Susan Jones (pictured at right) received a Fannie Mae Foundation Fellowship to attend the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government Program for senior executives in state and local government. She also became vice chair of the D.C. Bar Community Economic Development Pro Bono Project.
- Renée Lerner was recently appointed secretary of the Rhodes Scholar Selection Committee in Virginia.
- Gregory Maggs received the Judge Advocate Associations Outstanding Career Armed Services Attorney Award 2002. This award is given annually to one reserve judge advocate officer in all of the armed forces.
- Peter Meyers has been appointed to serve as one of the nine members of the newly established Department of Health and Human Services Strategic Planning Workgroup to develop a five-year plan for improving the federal vaccine injury compensation program.
- Robert Peroni has been appointed as a member of the ABA Tax Section Task Force on International Tax Reform.
- The 2000-02 Educational Quality Rankings of U.S. Law Schools recently published a listing of the 50 most cited law faculty who entered teaching since 1992. The list included Professors Jeff Rosen (5), Paul Butler (23), and Raj Bhala (40). GW Law tied for fourth place in the ranking of law schools with the most faculty on this list.
- In September, Joan Strand was one of 14 Stars of the Bar honored by the Womens Bar Association of D.C. at its fall networking reception. In July, Strand became a member of the board of directors of the Council for Court Excellence in D.C. as well as vice president of the D.C. Bar Foundation.
- In June, Dean Michael K. Young was selected to continue to serve on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom as vice chair.
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GW Law In The News
- John Banzhaf provided commentary to several media outlets concerning litigation relating to the fast-food industry.
- Gannett News Service quoted Associate Dean Raj Bhala regarding the WTO ruling against the United States trade aid law.
- Professor Paul Butler was quoted in Sept. 22 New York Times regarding South Dakotas Amendment A, allowing juries to judge laws. He also provided commentary on Fox News Network on Sept. 28 for a story regarding the John Walker Lindh case.
- In the May 11 edition of Canadas The Globe & Mail, Naomi Cahn discussed courts prosecuting mothers for child abuse caused by their partners.
- W. Burlette Carter discussed the legal problems of athletes on Fox News in August.
- Time.com and Voice of America interviewed Robert Cottrol in June regarding the latest Supreme Court ruling that juries must decide on death penalty sentencing. He also discussed the 2nd Amendment on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on May 8.
- Charles Craver discussed the Taft-Hartley Act and the West Coast dockworkers dispute on Oct. 8. In June, he discussed arbitration in BusinessWeek. In May, The National Law Journal quoted him in a story about disabled workers seeking reasonable accommodations under the ADA.
- In May, Lynn Cunningham discussed a class-action suit filed by former inmates against the D.C. Corrections Department in The Washington Post.
- The New York Times featured Orin Kerrs (pictured at right) views on the Patriot Act in its Sept. 7 edition. He also discussed cyber law in July with The Wall Street Journal and MSNBC.
- Ira Lupu and Robert Tuttle discussed school vouchers in the July 8 Legal Times. They wrote an op-ed piece for the same publication for its July 11 edition.
- Lawrence Mitchells opinions on corporate responsibility have been profiled by several media groups in the past few months. He also wrote Good Guy Firms Work to Keep Public Trust, in the July 22 edition of USA Today. And he published an essay in the July 15 Legal Times regarding new rules for corporate governance.
- Sean Murphy has been tapped by the media to discuss various international topics, including a story in The New Jersey Star Ledger outlining Israels rejection of an investigation by the United Nations into the military assault of the Jenin refugee camp. In May, BBC World News interviewed Murphy and Ralph Steinhardt for a segment on the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
- Spencer Overton wrote, Campaign Finance Law Puts Black Incumbents at Risk, in the Sept. 12 edition of Roll Call.
- The New York Times quoted Robert Peroni regarding a new bill designed to close tax breaks for American corporations using Bermuda mailing addresses.
- The Legal Times and The Recorder quoted Todd Peterson regarding judicial nominations in their June 3 editions.
- In the July 17 edition of The Wall Street Journal, Peter Raven-Hansen discussed President Bushs plan for homeland security. On Aug. 24, he was quoted by the Associated Press regarding the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and domestic spying powers.
- Arnold Reitze discussed ethanol production proposals pending U.S. energy legislation with CBC News Canada.
- Associate Dean Alfreda Robinson discussed slavery reparations in California with The San Jose Mercury News in May. In August, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette quoted her in a story on the same subject.
- In July, Stephen Saltzburg spoke to several media outlets, including The Associated Press and The St. Louis Post Dispatch on the Zacarias Moussaoui case.
- Steven Schooner was quoted in U.S. News & World Report regarding lawbreakers that win government contracts. In the Aug. 26 edition of The Federal Times, he discussed procurement reform.
- Michael Selmi commented on the proposal to break up the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on MSNBC on July 16.
- The Baltimore Sun quoted Lewis Solomon in a story regarding the growth of local currency and time credit programs on May 25.
- James Starrs discussed forensic investigations and the Chandra Levy case in several in May. He also was quoted on several major newspapres television news programs, including CNN, ABC Nightly News, NBC News, Good Morning America, The Today Show, and Fox News.
- Ralph Steinhardt discussed a lawsuit against Iraq filed by victims of Sept. 11 with CNN Live.
- Peter Swire was quoted by Knight Ridder in a story on technology companies seeking profits in security needs.
- The Deseret News quoted Dean Michael K. Young and his statements advising President Bush to address Russias mistreatment of religious minorities. In June, the Federal News Service published testimony from him for the hearing of The House International Relations Committee on Sudan.
Four Professors Join GW Law Faculty
The George Washington University Law School welcomed four new full-time faculty members this year:
Suzanne H. Jackson
Associate Professor of Clinical Law
Before joining the Law School faculty, Jackson was a teaching fellow in the family law clinic at the University of Baltimore School of Law. Previously, she was the director of the domestic violence clinic and a visiting professor of law at American University. Prior to that, Jackson worked for seven years with Ayuda, serving first as a staff attorney and then as director of the domestic violence unit. She also worked with the Older Womens League as a fellow in Georgetown Law Centers Women, Law, and Public Policy Fellowship Program, and served as a law clerk to Gladys Kessler of the D.C. Superior Court. Jackson has received awards from the D.C. Superior Courts Hispanic Heritage Celebration Committee, the D.C. Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and from Ayuda, for her work against domestic violence. She currently serves as a commissioner on the advisory commission of the D.C. Superior Courts Crime Victims Compensation Fund.
Spencer A. Overton
Associate Professor of Law
Prior to joining the Law School faculty, Overton was a member of the law faculty of the University of California, Davis and served as the Charles Hamilton Houston Fellow at Harvard, where he co-taught a course on law and the political process. Before entering academia, he practiced law at Debevoise & Plimpton in Washington, D.C., where he worked on several widely noted cases, including investigations by Congress and the Justice Department into fund-raising techniques employed by the Democratic National Committee. Overton also served as a law clerk to Judge Damon J. Keith of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. His recent academic writings have been published by the Vanderbilt Law Review, North Carolina Law Review, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, Florida State University Law Review, and Texas Law Review. His commentaries have appeared in The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, among others. Overton serves as a director of the National Voting Rights Institute and the Fannie Lou Hamer Project, and on the advisory board of the Appleseed Electoral Reform Project at Harvard and American University law schools. His scholarly interests include property, campaign finance, voting rights, and race.
Susan E. Thrower
Associate Professor of Legal Research and Writing; Associate Director of the Legal Research and Writing Program
Thrower joined the Law School faculty in 2002 as the associate director of the first-year Legal Research and Writing Program. Following seven years in private practice, during which she specialized in secured lending and bankruptcy, she worked as a consultant to the American Bar Associations Center for Professional Responsibility. She started her teaching career in 1996 and has taught a variety of legal writing classes at DePaul University and American University. At DePaul, she also served as assistant director of the Legal Writing Program. Throwers teaching interests include the LLM thesis classes.
Christopher R. Yukins
Associate Professor of Government Contracts Law
Yukins joined the Law School faculty from the Northern Virginia office of Holland & Knight where his practice focused on high technology companies that serve the government. He is active on the Federal Electronic Commerce Task Force, which works with key officials to apply commercial e-business solutions to the government. He is also a member of the Science and Technology and Public Contract Law Sections of the American Bar Association, and serves as the president of the Tysons Corner Chapter of the National Contract Management Association. He is a former member of the editorial boards of the Public Contract Law Journal and the Federal Circuit Bar Association Journal, and has contributed editorial pieces on electronic commerce, information technology, and public policy to a broad range of journals, including Washington Technology and Federal Computer Week.
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