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GW LAW BRIEFS: Faculty File


Jerry Barron's "The Pentagon Papers Case and the Wikileaks Controversy: National Security and the First Amendment" appeared in 1 Wake Forest Journal of Law & Policy 49 (2011). The issue celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Pentagon Papers case.

Paul Schiff Berman's most recent book, Global Legal Pluralism: A Jurisprudence for Law Beyond Borders, will soon be published by Cambridge University Press.

Francesca Bignami published "From Expert Administration to Accountability Network: A New Paradigm for Comparative Administrative Law" in 59 American Journal of Comparative Law 859 (2011).

Bob Brauneis (with co-author Paul Heald) published "The Myth of Buick Aspirin: An Empirical Study of Trademark Dilution by Product and Trade Names" in the Cardozo Law Review.\

Naomi Cahn (with co-authors Fionnuala Ní Aoláin and Dina Francesca Haynes) published "Criminal Justice for Gendered Violence and Beyond" in 11 International Criminal Law Review 425 (2011). Her "Postmortem Life On-line" appears in 25 Probate & Property 36 (2011).

Arturo Carrillo published "Re-Imagining the Human Rights Law Clinic" (with Nicolás Espejo) in 26 Maryland Journal of International Law 80 (2011). His "Diferencias entre las clínicas de servicios jurídicos gratuitos y las clínicas de interés público y derechos humanos [Differences between legal services clinics and public interest/human rights clinics in Latin America]" appears in Clínicas de derechos humanos: Una alternativa para la educación jurídica y la sociedad (Supreme Court of Mexico, 2011).

Steve Charnovitz's article on the U.S. International Labor Relations Act was published in the ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law (Winter 2011). His study "A Post-Montesquieu Analysis of the WTO" was published in a collection of essays titled Governing the World Trade Organization (Cambridge University Press, 2011). Professor Charnovitz wrote a book review of David Bederman's Globalization of International Law for the American Journal of International Law (July 2011). Finally, his article "Preventing Opportunistic Uncompliance by WTO Members" appeared in Journal of International Economic Law (June 2011, with David J. Townsend, JD '10).

Bradford Clark and co-author A.J. Bellia's article "The Law of Nations as Constitutional Law" was accepted for publication in the Virginia Law Review.

Jessica Clark published "The Long and Winding Road: Developing an Online Research Curriculum" in 19 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research & Writing (Fall 2011, with N. Harris).

Charlie Craver co-authored the 12th edition of Labor Relations Law, the seventh edition of Employment Discrimination Law, and the fourth edition of Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Advocate's Perspective, all three of which were published this fall by Lexis. He also published "The Inherent Tension Between Value Creation and Value Claiming in Bargaining Interactions" in the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution and "The Impact of Labor Unions on Worker Rights and on Other Social Movements" in the ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law.

Christy DeSanctis' "Narrative Reasoning: The Untold Story" was accepted for publication in a forthcoming volume of the Journal of Legal Communications and Rhetoric. Another article, which she co-authored with Jessica Clark, "Toward a Unified Grading Vocabulary," was accepted for publication in a forthcoming volume of the Journal of Legal Education.

LexisNexis published the fourth edition of C. Thomas Dienes' co-authored treatise Newsgathering and the Law. LexisNexis also published the 2011 cumulative supplement to the casebook he co-authored with Jerry Barron, Constitutional Law: Principles and Policy.

Lisa Fairfax's "Government Governance" was published in the Minnesota Law Review.

Roger Fairfax's "Prosecutorial Nullification" was published in the Boston College Law Review. His "From 'Overcriminalization' to 'Smart on Crime': American Criminal Justice Reform—Legacy and Prospects" was published in a symposium issue of the Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy.

David Fontana's essay "Docket Control and Success of Constitutional Courts" was published in Comparative Constitutional Law.

Jack Friedenthal published a short article "Defining the Word 'Maintain': Context Counts" in 44 The University of Akron Law Review (2011).

Robert Glicksman published Pollution Limits and Polluters' Efforts to Comply: The Role of Government Monitoring and Enforcement (Stanford University Press, with Dietrich Earnhart). He also published two book chapters, "Executive Power, the Constitution, and the Environment: The Take Care Clause and the Unitary Executive" in Principles of Constitutional Environmental Law (ABA and ELI, James May ed.) and "Facing Unprecedented Stewardship Challenges: Climate Change and Federal Land Management" in Global Warming: A Reader (Carolina Academic Press, W. Rodgers et al., eds.). He published the essay "Throwing Precaution to the Wind: NEPA and the Deepwater Horizon Blowout" in The George Washington Journal of Energy and Environmental Law (Summer 2011, with S. Zellmer and J. Mintz). He has two articles forthcoming, "Climate Change and the Puget Sound: Building the Legal Framework for Adaptation," in Climate Law (with several co-authors), and "Solar Energy Development on the Federal Public Lands: Environmental Trade-Offs on the Road to a Lower Carbon Future" in the San Diego Journal of Energy & Climate Law. He was one of several co-authors of a Center for Progressive Reform white paper, "Climate Change and the Puget Sound: Building the Legal Framework for Adaptation." In addition, he published summer 2011 updates to NEPA Law and Litigation (with D. Mandelker), his 2011 casebook, Environmental Protection: Law and Policy, and his 2010 casebook, Administrative Law: Agency Action in Legal Context. Finally, West published two releases to his treatise, Public Natural Resources Law.

Phyllis Goldfarb's co-authored article "Revision Quest: A Law School Guide to Designing Experiential Courses Involving Real Lawyering" appeared in the New York Law Review.

Claudia Haupt's "Transnational Nonestablishment" is forthcoming in 80 The George Washington Law Review.

Susan Jones published "Innovative Approaches to Public Service through Institutionalized Action Research: Reflections from Law and Social Work" in the University of Arkansas Law Review (with Shirley J. Jones, PhD). This article is part of the Ben J. Altheimer Symposium, "Reframing Public Service Law: Innovative Approaches to Integrating Public Service into the Legal Profession." In addition, she wrote a book chapter, "The Importance of Microenterprise Development in Community Economic Development Law," for a forthcoming casebook, Community Economic Development Law: A Text for Engaged Learning by Susan Bennett, Brenda Blom, Deborah Kenn, and Louise Howells (Carolina Academic Press).

Susan Karamanian published "International Decision, Compania de Aguas del Aconquija S.A. & Vivendi Universal S.A. v. Argentine Republic" in 105 American Journal of International Law 553 (2011).

With Richard A. Epstein and Daniel F. Spulber, F. Scott Kieff submitted the white paper "The FTC's Proposal for Regulating IP through SSOs Would Replace Private Coordination with Government Hold-Up" in response to the FTC's Request for Comments and Announcement of Workshop on Standard-Setting Issues. A version entitled "The FTC, IP, and SSOs: Government Hold-Up Replacing Private Coordination" was accepted for publication by the peer-reviewed Journal of Competition Law & Economics for publication in March 2012.

Laird Kirkpatrick and his co-author have submitted for publication a new edition of their one volume treatise Evidence (Wolters Kluwer, 2012, 5th ed.), and have published a new edition of their Black Letter Outline on Evidence (Thomson/West, 2011, 3rd ed.) as well as a 2011 supplement to their treatise Evidence: Practice Under the Rules (Aspen, 2011, 3rd ed.).

Cynthia Lee's "Reasonableness with Teeth: The Future of Fourth Amendment Reasonableness Analysis" will be published by the Mississippi Law Journal as part of its symposium issue on the Fourth Amendment.

Chip Lupu and Bob Tuttle co-authored two online publications: "In Brief: The Supreme Court Takes Up Church Employment Disputes and the 'Ministerial Exception,'" published by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, available at (co-authored with David Masci); and "Response to 'The Future of Muslim Family Law in Western Democracies,' by John Witte, Jr.," published by the Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion at the University of Chicago, available at

"Fixing the Flaws in the Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program" by Peter Meyers was published in the Administrative Law Review in December.

Sean Murphy published a chapter on "The International Court of Justice" in The Rules, Practice, and Jurisprudence of International Courts and Tribunals (Brill, 2011, Chiara Giorgetti, ed.) and a chapter on "Counter-Claims" in The Statute of the International Court of Justice: A Commentary (Oxford, 2012, 2nd ed., Zimmermann et al., eds.).

Dawn Nunziato's "How Not to Censor" was published in the Georgetown Journal of International Law. Her chapter "Keeping the Internet Free in the Americas" was published in the volume Freedom of Expression and the Internet: Regulatory Aspects in Latin America.

Richard Pierce published the 2011 Supplement to Administrative Law Treatise as well as the following articles: "What Should We Do About Social Security Disability Appeals?," "An Empirical Study of Judicial Review of Agency Interpretations of Agency Rules," "The Past, Present, and Future of Energy Regulation," "Paul Verkuil: An Outstanding Scholar in His Spare Time," and "What Do the Studies of Judicial Review of Agency Actions Mean?"

Aspen published Peter Raven-Hansen's Teacher's Manual and Civil Procedure: Rules, Statutes, and Other Materials (a companion to Glannon, Perlman & Raven-Hansen, Civil Procedure: A Coursebook, 2011), as well as Dycus, Banks & Raven-Hansen, National Security Law (5th ed. 2011). Professor Raven-Hansen also submitted the manuscript for the second edition of Counterterrorism Law to Aspen.

Dinah Shelton edited the two-volume Human Rights and the Environment (Edward Elgar Publishers, 2011).

Andy Spanogle published Selected Consumer Statutes (2011 edition), which incorporates the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act, amending various sections of the Consumer Credit Protection Act of 2010 and the Regulations to implement the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009. He also submitted to Thomson West the completed manuscript for a book on international sales law.

Peter J. Smith's "Federalism, Lochner, and the Individual Mandate" was published in the Boston University Law Review.

Daniel Solove's The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet (Yale University Press, 2007) was published in Chinese. His "The Virtues of Anonymity" appeared in The New York Times: Room for Debate on June 21. Professor Solove's "Why 'Security' Keeps Winning Out Over Privacy" was published on on May 31. His "Gainful Employment: A Privacy Black Hole?" appeared in Inside Higher Ed on May 26. His article "Why Privacy Matters Even If You Have 'Nothing to Hide'" appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education on May 15. Finally, his article "A Taxonomy of Privacy," 154 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 477 (2006), was cited in the U.S. Supreme Court case Sorrell v. IMS Health, Inc.

Jessica Steinberg's "In Pursuit of Justice? Case Outcomes and the Delivery of Unbundled Legal Services" was published in the Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law & Policy.

Jessica Tillipman's "The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act & Government Contractors: Compliance Trends and Collateral Consequences" appeared in Briefing Papers (Thompson West) in September. The article focuses on the relationship between government contractors and the FCPA and also provides a general overview of the act's enforcement trends.

Roger Trangsrud published the second edition of Modern Complex Litigation (Foundation Press, with Jay Tidmarsh). He also published "Aggregate Litigation Reconsidered" in 79 The George Washington Law Review 293 (2011).

Art Wilmarth's "The Financial Services Industry's Misguided Quest to Undermine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau" will be published in the Spring 2012 issue of the Review of Banking & Financial Law.


In response to a complaint of sex discrimination filed by John F. Banzhaf III, the U.S. House of Representatives installed a restroom for female legislators adjacent to the House floor. The success was covered by Fox News. As executive director of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), he helped facilitate the U.N.'s Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases, which helped focus more attention and resources on dealing with diseases caused by smoking. Professor Banzhaf also delivered a speech at the Sixth Annual Conference on Medical Ethics at Yeshiva University titled "In the Public Eye: Jewish Perspectives on Public Health" on Nov. 6. In a widely reported and debated event, Professor Banzhaf filed a legal complaint charging Catholic University President John Garvey with illegal sex discrimination for mandating sex segregation for all of the school's on-campus residences. Shortly thereafter, he filed a complaint against Netflix, Apple, Panasonic, TiVo, and Toshiba, charging the companies with illegally discriminating against the deaf by refusing to provide closed captioning on most of the programming delivered to subscribers over the Internet. He also prepared two different comments for Missouri state legislators urging them to ban smoking in state prisons. Professor Banzhaf also helped draft whistleblower and document retention policies for a nonprofit health organization, and advised them on fundraising and other strategies. He was featured on NPR, speaking about privacy dangers created by facial recognition software, and was frequently quoted on a variety of legal issues related to topics including terrorism, food addiction, auto safety, and obesity in numerous media outlets. Professor Banzhaf was recognized on Wikipedia as one of the top "game theorists" for his creation of the "Banzhaf Index," a complex mathematical method of measuring voting power. New York's highest court mandated that the Banzhaf Index be used before any weighted voting plans can be approved, and it has been widely adopted to help measure voting power in situations ranging from the Electoral College to the E.U. Constitution and the recent British elections.

Francesca Bignami presented "The Legacy of The Transformation of Europe" at a symposium in honor of Joseph Weiler at Yale Law School in October. In March, she was an invited participant at the roundtable discussion on E.U. data protection issues held at the U.S. Department of State. Also in March, Professor Bignami was the chair/discussant at The ECJ and National Courts: Networking and Dialogue biennial meeting of the European Union Studies Association, held in Boston, where she also presented "Comparative Law and the Rise of the European Court of Justice." In December 2010, she presented "Tough Regulators: The Rise of a Transatlantic Regulatory Style" at a colloquium on regulatory cosmopolitanism sponsored by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

In January, Neil H. Buchanan discussed at the AALS annual meetings the constitutional law questions raised by the debt ceiling. In November, he was a panelist at the ABA Administrative Law section's conference at Georgetown, where he gave a talk titled "It Was Only a Temporary Reprieve," discussing last summer's debt ceiling showdown. In October, he gave a talk to the law faculty at the University of Kentucky College of Law on his work on the federal debt and budget deficits and was a panelist at the University of Louisville Law Review's symposium, where he spoke about "Why We Should Never Pay Down the National Debt." He is a featured columnist for Justia's legal analysis and commentary site Verdict (, which launched in July.

In September, Naomi Cahn and her co-author presented a paper at the State of the Family Symposium at the University of Richmond. Later that month, Professor Cahn presented "Family Classes" at the ClassCrits Conference at American University Washington College of Law.

Arturo Carrillo is the coordinator (with Dawn Nunziato) of the 2011–12 Global Internet Freedom and Human Rights Distinguished Speaker Series, co-sponsored by the Law School and Microsoft. In September, Professor Carrillo participated in the Workshop on Freedom of Expression and Internet in Latin America at the Center for Freedom of Expression Studies, University of Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also served as a panelist at the Sixth Global Alliance for Justice Education Worldwide Conference at the University of Valencia Law School in Spain in July. There, he presented his paper "Re-Imagining the Human Rights Law Clinic?" (with Nicolás Espejo).

In September, Steve Charnovitz chaired a panel on intellectual property at the 4th Annual Conference on China's Economic Development and U.S.–China Economic Relations, sponsored by the George Washington University Institute for International Economic Policy.

In Chicago in September, Jessica Clark presented "Benign Bluebooking: An Answer to Judge Posner's Recently Renewed Criticism of The Bluebook" at the Central States Regional Legal Writing Conference held at John Marshall Law School. She also presented "Adding Collaborative and Formative Feedback Opportunities to Your Classes: How Grading by Design and Working Together Save the Day" at the summer conference of the Institute for Law Teaching and Learning, "Engaging and Assessing Our Students," held at New York Law School in June (with Christy DeSanctis).

In October, Charlie Craver conducted the Bronstein Negotiation Institute at the University of Virginia School of Law, and made a presentation on negotiation skills to a group of consumer protection lawyers at a conference conducted by the National Association of Attorneys General in Indianapolis. In late July, he made presentations on dispute resolution procedures to two groups of international lawyers in Monterey, Calif., as part of an annual program conducted by Lex Mundi. In June, Professor Craver made a presentation on Supreme Court Developments in Employment Discrimination Law at the Upper Mid-West Conference on Labor & Employment Law in Minneapolis.

Lawrence A. Cunningham addressed the Law School's Corporate and Business Law Society and spoke at the GW School of Business's Annual Ramsey Investment Fund Conference. For his next book, an in-depth study of AIG, he has been conducting interviews of leading figures knowledgeable about the international insurance company, including Dr. Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, the Hon. John Whitehead, former Prime Minister of Pakistan Moeen Qureshi, and Yale University President Richard Levin.

This fall, Christy DeSanctis helped organize a major national conference on race, law, and literature to be held at the University of Maryland in March 2012, during which she also will present a chapter of her dissertation in 19th century American literature. She also presented a workshop for new legal writing faculty during the American Association of Law School's summer meeting for new law teachers. Finally, Professor DeSanctis taught the "Introduction to the U.S. Legal System" segment of the Institute for U.S. Law's "U.S. Legal English" seminar directed toward non-U.S. lawyers.

Lisa Fairfax was a panelist at Yale Law School's Governance Forum, where she discussed the relationship between the corporate secretary and effective board-shareholder communication. Professor Fairfax was an invited participant at the Cornell Law School Business Law Institute's conference on financial regulatory reform in the wake of Dodd-Frank. She also was an invited participant at Georgetown University Law Center's Securities Law Roundtable. Professor Fairfax also presented her paper examining the impact of "say on pay" on directors' fiduciary duties at the George Washington University Law School and American University Washington College of Law.

Roger Fairfax presented "Batson's Grand Jury DNA" at the University of Iowa Law School Symposium on the 25th anniversary of Batson v. Kentucky in October. He also discussed "smart on crime" reforms on the panel "State Legislative Initiatives to Reduce Reliance on Incarceration" at the ABA/AALS Criminal Justice Legal Educators' Colloquium in October. In October, he co-organized a GW Law School symposium, jointly-sponsored with the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, on discrimination after 9/11. The symposium featured remarks from the Deputy Attorney General and the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. He served on the panel "The Suite and the Streets: Recent Developments in Criminal Justice" at Harvard Law School in September. Professor Fairfax co-organized and moderated a roundtable discussion on overcriminalization at the SEALS annual meeting in July.

Iselin Gambert was instrumental in organizing the first annual Capital Area Legal Writing conference, a two-day event held at GW Law in February. The conference explored a wide range of topics related to teaching legal research and writing and featured 65 presenters from more than 25 law schools in 20 states. For more information on the event, visit

Robert Glicksman presented "A Clean Air Act Primer" at the Energy Bar Association Annual Meeting; "An Overview of Natural Resource Management and Environmental Law and Policy: The Laws and the Governments that Implement Them," the keynote presentation to the International Visitors Program of the U.S. Department of State; and "Nondegradation Law in the United States: Can a Non-Rights-Based Doctrine Acquire Rights-Based Legitimacy?" at a conference on the nonregression principle at the University of Limoges in France. Professor Glicksman participated as a speaker in a webinar sponsored by the Center for Progressive Reform on "Toward a Well Adapted Future: A Legal Framework and Action Agenda for Climate Change Adaptation in the Puget Sound." He also moderated a panel on "Why Accountability Mechanisms Matter: Pressing for Change" at a conference on the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay at the University of Maryland School of Law; and he participated in a two-day roundtable conference sponsored by the Clean Air Act Council on "Natural Gas Extraction and Production Air Issues" in Philadelphia.

In October, Phyllis Goldfarb presented "Back to the Future of Clinical Legal Education" at a symposium on the Carnegie Report at Boston College Law School. In September, she was a paper commentator and small group facilitator for the Clinical Law Review's Writer's Workshop, held at New York University School of Law. During the summer, she served as a member of the Organizing Committee for the Fall 2011 Writers' Workshop sponsored by the Clinical Law Review. In June, she spoke on the plenary panel "Fostering Intellectual Space for Clinical Colleagues" at the AALS Law Clinic Directors' Workshop in Seattle.

Susan Jones conducted a faculty workshop, "Perspectives of Clinical Law Teachers," at the AALS Faculty Recruitment Conference on Oct. 13 in Washington, D.C. On Sept. 20, she spoke at The Major Projects Lab Ward 8, a summit on job creation in Washington, D.C., hosted by GW and the Washington, D.C. Economic Partnership, where she discussed the need for an ex-offender legal clinic, workforce development, and self-employment for ex offenders. She also spoke on the panel "Integrating Skills and Doctrine" at the AALS Workshop for New Law School Teachers held in June. Finally, she spoke on the panel "Getting Started on a Scholarly Agenda—Identity, Scholarship, Networking" at the AALS Workshop for Pretenured People of Color Law School Teachers in Washington, D.C.

Susan Karamanian presented "Making Sense of Sèvres: An International Legal Perspective" at a conference titled "The Presence of the Past: Legal Dimensions of Armenian-Turkish Relations" at the University of California, Berkeley on Oct. 2. She also presented "Islamic Finance in the United States: Threats from State Anti-Sharia Law" at the Second Annual Islamic Finance Forum on Sept. 21 at GW Law.

In October, F. Scott Kieff lent his expertise to a conversation on SCOTUSblog about patent issues and cases before the Supreme Court in that term. Also, his four-part series of essays on proposed patent reform in the United States, published by Defining Ideas, was cited both in a speech on the House floor in June and in The New York Times' "Dealbook" column. In addition, Defining Ideas published his new four-part series of essays on proposed patent reform in the United States: "The Perils of Patent Reform," "Welcome to Patent Purgatory," "Patent Reform Goes Haywire," and "File First, Invent Later?"

In October, Laurie Kohn organized and moderated several panels at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia's Annual Family Court Training Conference. The event focused on re-engaging fathers with their children, and Professor Kohn's sessions centered on creating community-wide systems of care for fathers who wish to maintain relationships with their children and on safely reintegrating fathers after domestic violence.

Cynthia Lee's Criminal Law casebook (with Angela Harris) was the focus of discussion at a casebook retreat sponsored by West Publishing Co. in July. She also spoke on a criminal procedure panel at Law and Society's annual meeting in June. Professor Lee also presented a work-in-progress at the Sixteenth Annual LatCrit Meeting.

Michael Matheson taught at Oxford University in the 2011 GW-Oxford Summer Program in International Human Rights Law. He also made presentations at GW Law on the response to 9/11, war and accountability, and the U.S. relationship to the International Court of Justice. Finally, he presented at American University on international humanitarian law.

Thomas D. Morgan was the keynote speaker for a Michigan State University symposium on decline in lawyer support of courts and other legal institutions. He was a panelist at a St. Thomas Law School conference on formation of professional identity. Professor Morgan also gave the endowed Miller-Becker Lecture at the University of Akron's Miller-Becker Center for Professional Responsibility.

In December, Sean Murphy spoke at the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security annual review conference on "Use of Force Decisions of the International Court of Justice: Triumph or Tragedy." In October, he spoke on "The Effects of Social Media on Sovereign Power" at the opening plenary panel of the October 2011 annual meeting of the American Branch of the International Law Association.

In December, Dawn Nunziato delivered a speech on U.S. Internet Policies on Freedom of Expression to a delegation of the Chinese Embassy at the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication in Washington, D.C. In November, she served as the moderator for the Cybersecurity Panel of the Workshop of the North American Consortium on Legal Education, also in Washington, D.C. In September, Professor Nunziato delivered the keynote speech at the Conference on Freedom of Expression and the Internet: Regulatory Aspects in Latin America at the Universidad de Palermo Law School Center for Studies on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information (CELE). At that event she also served as the discussant for the panel on "Content Filtering in Latin America: Reasons and Impacts on Freedom of Expression."

Scott Pagel participated in a panel on "Law Libraries in the 21st Century" at the "Workshop on the Future of Legal Education" held during the July meeting of the Southeastern Association of Law Schools.

In the past few months, Richard Pierce made several speeches on various topics in administrative law and government regulation.

H. Jefferson Powell is currently on leave and is serving as a deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel in the U.S. Department of Justice.

In September, Steve Schooner discussed "Hot Topics in Government Procurement Law" at the 50th Annual National Seminar on Government Contracts at the University of Minnesota. In Los Angeles in August, he served as the luncheon speaker on DoD Acquisition-related topics at the Space Contracting Executive Conference. In July, Professor Schooner gave a series of presentations related to public procurement law and policy at the Hawaii Procurement Institute at the University of Guam, the Guam Chamber of Commerce, and the University of Hawaii. Also, in July, he moderated the plenary panel, "Show Me the Money: Corporate Survival in Tough Economic Times," at the National Contract Management Association World Congress in Denver. In June, Professor Schooner made a series of presentations on various public procurement-related topics at the World Trade Organization National Seminar on the Revised WTO Agreement on Government Procurement in Wuhan, China. Earlier that month, he was the keynote speaker at the Greater Washington Society of CPAs' Seventh Annual Government Contractor Accounting & Compliance Developments Conference in McLean, Va. In late May, Profesor Schooner and Chris Yukins gave a number of presentations related to public procurement law and policy at the Corvinus University of Budapest, the Hungarian Bar Association, and the Budapest Chamber of Commerce in Budapest. Earlier that month, Professor Schooner discussed "Dead Contractors: The Un-Examined Effect of Surrogates on the Public's Casualty Sensitivity" with the U.S. Commission on Wartime Contracting in Washington, D.C.

Alfreda Robinson served as a panelist on "The Art and War of Mediation: The Top Ten Effective Tools and Ethical Concerns You and Your Client Better Consider Before Entering the Mediation" in August at the ABA Annual Meeting in Toronto. At the National Bar Association Convention in Baltimore from July 31 to August 3, she served as chair of the Law Professors Division, offering introductory remarks for a panel on "Declining Diversity in Law School Admissions." At the Southeastern Association of American Law Schools' annual meeting in Hilton Head, S.C., in July, Dean Robinson presented the paper "Rethinking ADR in Legal Education and Professional Practice."

Peter Raven-Hansen spoke on "The Constitutionality of Statehood for New Columbia" to the National Capital Area ACLU and at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Celebration at MLK Library. He also presented "Better Off Dead? The Law and Policy of Targeted Killing" for the Law School's 9/11 commemoration. Professor Raven-Hansen moderated a panel on "What Is National Security Law?" for the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security Second Annual Symposium on Teaching National Security Law and a panel on "National Security Careers" for a National Security Law Careers Fair, co-sponsored by the ABA Committee and the Law School's National Security Law Society. Finally, he presented "Developments in National Security Law" to a seminar for the National Security Studies Program run by GW's Elliott School of International Affairs for the Department of Defense.

In September, Michael Selmi participated in a discrimination colloquium of law and philosophy professors held at the University of Toronto, where he presented his paper, "Has the Disparate Impact Theory Run its Course?" In June, he spoke on recent trends in the disparate impact theory at the WARNS Labor and Employment Conference held in Louisville, Ky.

In October, Dinah Shelton was invited as part of a small expert group to meet with the judges of the Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia. The chambers make up a hybrid court trying the leaders of the Khmer Rouge. The experts were invited by the Victims' Support Unit to discuss the issue of reparations for victims of the Khmer Rouge. In September, she was made doctor honoris causa by the University of Stockholm at a ceremony in the city of Stockholm. The day before, Professor Shelton participated in a seminar at the law school on the future of environmental governance, along with fellow honorary doctor Bo Kjellen.

In October, Annie Smith spoke on a panel organized by the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative on the topic "Legal Aid to Trafficking Victims in the U.S." The panel was part of a study tour of high level delegates from Russia (organized by International Organization for Migration's D.C. and Moscow offices). The study tour was a part of the project "Preventing and Counter-Acting Trafficking in Human Beings in the Russian Federation" funded by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Daniel Solove held a book signing at Politics & Prose for Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff Between Privacy and Security (Yale University Press, 2011). He also presented on that topic at a Yale Law School event and a U.S. Department of Homeland Security event, both in Washington, D.C., in October. Professor Solove presented on that same topic at a Federal Communications Commission event in D.C. in June. Professor Solove delivered the keynote addresses "Information Privacy for Higher Education" and "The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet" at the Institute for Computer Policy and Law at Cornell University in July. He presented on the latter topic as well as "What Every School Official Must Know about Privacy" at the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium in Stevenson, Wash., in June. Professor Solove was a panelist on the topic "Frontiers in Privacy and Security" at a Computers, Freedom, and Privacy event in D.C. in June. He also served as a co-organizer for the 4th Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference at Berkeley School of Law in June.

Andy Spanogle is a consultant to a World Bank project in Nigeria on improving private financing of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. The project seeks to rewrite current provisions of the law on asset-based financing and create a process for securitization of such loans. He also presented on "The Growing Use of Caselaw as a Precedent under the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)" at La Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Jessica Tillipman contributes to the FCPA Blog (

Roger Trangsrud organized the Humphreys Complex Litigation Center Symposium on Class Actions and Arbitration in March at GW Law (with Alan Morrison).

Amanda Tyler presented her article "The Forgotten Core Meaning of the Suspension Clause," forthcoming publication in the Harvard Law Review, to a colloquium at Northwestern School of Law in October.

In October, Art Wilmarth presented a paper on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at a symposium on Capitol Hill sponsored by Americans for Financial Reform. Dick Pierce and Heidi Schooner of Catholic University's Columbus School of Law provided comments on Professor Wilmarth's paper. In August, he presented a paper on the causes and consequences of the financial crisis at a training conference for the Treasury Department's Office of Inspector General.

Awards & Honors

Arturo Carrillo was appointed to the Advisory Council of the ABA's Center for Human Rights.

Jessica Clark was selected as associate editor for legal communication & rhetoric at the Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors.

Christy DeSanctis was named to the Executive Committee for the American Association of Law School's Section on Legal Writing, Reasoning, and Research.

Laura Dickinson's recent book, Outsourcing War and Peace: Preserving Public Values in a World of Privatized Foreign Affairs, won the 2011 IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law/Roy C. Palmer Civil Liberties Prize.

Roger Fairfax concluded his term as co-chair of the Academics Committee of the ABA Criminal Justice Section and was appointed to co-chair the Alternative Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice Committee. He also was appointed to the advisory group for the ABA State Policy Implementation Project, which is advocating for "smart on crime" criminal justice reform throughout the country.

Jack Friedenthal was reappointed for a second term to the Division I NCAA Infractions Appeals Committee that recently sat to hear cases from the University of Southern California and Arizona State University.

Susan Jones was invited by the Association for Enterprise Opportunity to be a member of Enterprise Economic Impact Council, a national advisory council supported by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to shape recommendations and solutions for the economic problems facing the United States.

Peter J. Smith was appointed associate dean for research and faculty development.

Daniel Solove's "The PII Problem: Privacy and a New Concept of Personally Identifiable Information," 86 New York University Law Review (with Paul M. Schwartz, forthcoming 2011) was selected by the Future of Privacy Forum for its Privacy Papers for Policy Makers award.

In August, The National Law Journal named Jonathan Turley "Appellate Lawyer of the Week" and featured a profile and video of him at

Kieff Receives Prestigious Honors

Professor F. Scott Kieff was named a finalist in the prestigious 2011 World Technology Awards by the World Technology Network. The awards were presented at the United Nations in October in association with TIME, Fortune, CNN, Technology Review, and Science magazine.

"Scott Kieff translates his deep scholarly knowledge of technology and innovation policy into actionable information that helps change the world," Dean Paul Schiff Berman says. "The World Technology Awards program honors this practical engagement, and we at the Law School congratulate Scott on being identified as one of only five professors to be nominated as finalists for this prestigious award."

Professor Kieff also received a coveted invitation in December to become a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. The academy promotes transnational dialogue and visionary developments of new scientific knowledge and academic thinking, and has more than 1,500 world-renowned members, 28 of whom have received Nobel Prizes.

"I am humbled and grateful for this honor, and so happy to be working together with my colleagues and students to help make so many wonderful things happen for us all at GW Law," Professor Kieff says.