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GW LAW BRIEFS: Faculty File


Jerry Barron's "FCC v. Fox Television Stations and the FCC's New Expletive Policy" appeared in 62 Federal Communications Law Journal 567(2010). Professor Barron and Tom Dienes completed the 2010 supplement to their constitutional law casebook published by LexisNexis.

Christopher A. Bracey's second book, Dred Scott Case: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Race and Law, co-edited with D. Konig and P. Finkelman, was published this fall by Ohio University Press.

Arturo Carrillo's "Transnational Mass Claims Processes in International Law and Practice" (with Jason S. Palmer) appeared in 28 Berkeley Journal of International Law 101 (2010). His "Las acciones de clase en materia de derechos humanos en los Estados Unidos [Human rights class actions in the United States]," (with Courtney Hague and France Bognon, edited by Beatriz Londoño Toro and Professor Carrillo), appeared in Acciones de grupo y de clase en casos de graves vulneraciones de derechos humanos (Universidad del Rosario, 2010).

"Carbon Charges and Free Allowances Under Environmental Law and Principles" by Steve Charnovitz was published in the ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law (Winter 2010). His "New Opportunities for Nongovernmental Actors in the International Law Commission" appeared on SSRN in June. Professor Charnovitz's note on the U.S. safeguard in the China tires case was published in the American Journal of International Law as "Contemporary Practice of the United States" in January 2010. He also posted a paper on the International Law Commission on SSRN.

"The Alien Tort Statute and the Law of Nations" by Bradford Clark and co-author Anthony J. Bellia will appear this spring in 78 The University of Chicago Law Review.

Lisa Fairfax's "The Uneasy Case for the Inside Director" is forthcoming in the Iowa Law Review. Her article "The Model Business Corporation Act at Sixty: Shareholders and Their Influence" will be published in the Journal of Law and Contemporary Problems as part of the symposium edition celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Model Business Corporation Act.

Roger Fairfax published his edited book, Grand Jury 2.0: Modern Perspectives on the Grand Jury (Carolina Academic Press, 2010). His "Outsourcing Criminal Prosecution? The Limits of Criminal Justice Privatization" was published in The University of Chicago Legal Forum. Professor Fairfax's "A Fair Trial, Not a Perfect One: The Early Twentieth-Century Campaign for the Harmless Error Rule" was published as part of the Marquette Law Review's Symposium on Criminal Appeals. His "Delegation of the Criminal Prosecution Function to Private Actors" was published in the UC Davis Law Review.

Rob Glicksman published "The Constitution, the Environment, and the Prospect of Enhanced Executive Power" in 40 Environmental Law Reporter 1102 (2010). He submitted the manuscript for a law review article to be published in Environmental Law (Lewis & Clark Law School), "Climate Change Adaptation: A Collective Action Perspective on Federalism Considerations." Professor Glicksman published a release to his treatise on Public Natural Resources Law and the annual summer update to a treatise on NEPA Law and Litigation, for which he is a principal contributing co-author. He was a co-author on "Regulatory Blowout: How Regulatory Failures Made the BP Disaster Possible, and How the System Can Be Fixed to Avoid a Recurrence," published by the Center for Progressive Reform White Paper # 1007 (October 2010). Professor Glicksman submitted the manuscript for the sixth edition of his Aspen Publishers casebook, Environmental Protection: Law and Policy. He wrote half the chapters and is the casebook coordinator. Professor Glicksman also submitted the manuscript for a chapter, "The Role of Executive Power in Environmental Law: The Take Care Clause and the Unitary Executive Theory," for an ABA book on environmental law and the Constitution.

A Spanish-language version of Phyllis Goldfarb's "Picking Up the Law," which originally appeared in 57 University of Miami Law Review 973 (2003), was published as "Escogiendo la ley" in Academia: Revista Sobre Ensenanza del Derecho (2008), an academic law journal published in Buenos Aires.

This year, Orin Kerr has had articles published in the Yale Law Journal, Stanford Law Review, Virginia Law Review, and Minnesota Law Review. His "Good Faith, New Law, and the Scope of the Exclusionary Rule" is forthcoming in the Georgetown Law Journal.

Perspectives on Corporate Governance, edited by F. Scott Kieff and Troy A. Paredes and published by Cambridge University Press, appeared in August. Professor Kieff's "Questioning the Frequency and Wisdom of Compulsory Licensing for Pharmaceutical Patents," co-written by Richard A. Epstein, is available through the University of Chicago Law and Economics Olin Working Paper Series on SSRN.

"Package Bombs, Footlockers, and Laptops: What the Disappearing Container Doctrine Can Tell Us About the Fourth Amendment" by Cynthia Lee is forthcoming in The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, published by Northwestern University Law School. Her book Searches and Seizures: The Fourth Amendment, Its Constitutional History and Contemporary Debate is scheduled to be published later this year by Prometheus Books as part of its new series on the Bill of Rights.

Chip Lupu published "Federalism and Faith Redux" in 33 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 935 (2010). With Bob Tuttle, he published "Same-Sex Family Equality and Religious Freedom" in 5 Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy 274 (2010).

Gregory E. Maggs published the second edition of his casebook Terrorism and the Law: Cases and Materials (West, 2010). He also published the symposium essay "Which Original Meaning of the Constitution Matters to Justice Thomas" in 4 New York University Journal of Law and Liberty 494 (2009).

Michael Matheson published "Introductory Note to Eritrea's and Ethiopia's Damage Claims" in 49 International Legal Materials 101 (2010), as well as "The Damage Awards of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission" in 9 The Law and Practice of International Tribunals 1 (2010).

Sean Murphy published a review of The Making of International Law by Alan Boyle and Christine Chinkin (Oxford University Press, 2007) in the October issue of the American Journal of International Law.

"The First Amendment Issue of Our Time" by Dawn Nunziato was selected for publication in the Yale Law and Policy Review.

Lee Paddock's "Collaborative Problem Solving in Minnesota" was published in the ABA's Natural Resources & Environment magazine, Volume 25, Number 2, Fall 2010.

Richard Pierce published the 2011 Supplement of Administrative Law Treatise, "Presidential Control Is Better Than the Alternatives" in Texas Law Review. He also published "Making Sense of Procedural Injury" in Administrative Law Review and "Saving the Unitary Executive Theory from Those Who Would Abuse and Distort It" in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law.

Joan Schaffner's new book An Introduction to Animals and the Law surveys the laws allegedly designed to protect animals, identifies the themes that link them, analyzes and critiques them in light of their consideration and protection of animals' interests, and explores characteristics of a future legal system that would adequately protect animals' inherent interests. This new text is among the first in the new Animal Ethics Series published by Palgrave MacMillan in partnership with the Ferrater Mora Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics.

The op-ed "The U.S. can escape the climate change 'prisoners' dilemma'" by Lisa Schenck and Earl Saxon appeared in The Hill's Congress blog in November.

Steve Schooner co-authored "Contractors and the Ultimate Sacrifice," which appeared in the September issue of The Service Contractor. He also co-authored "Suing the Government as a 'Joint Employer': Evolving Pathologies of the Blended Workforce" in the Oct. 20 issue of The Government Contractor.

Michael Selmi published the second edition of his casebook Work Law (Lexis), co-authored with Marion Crain and Pauline Kim, as well as the eighth edition of the casebook Employment Discrimination (West), co-authored with D. Avery, R. Corrado, M. Ontiveros, and M. Hart. His casebook The Law of Discrimination (Lexis), co-authored with Roy Brooks and Gil Carrasco, will be published in the spring of 2011. Also in the spring of 2011, two papers that he recently presented will be published: "Post-Racial America" will appear in the Cardozo Law Review, and "Twenty Years after the Civil Rights Act of 1991" will appear in the Wake Forest Law Review.

Peter J. Smith's "Biblical Literalism and Constitutional Originalism" (with Robert Tuttle) will appear in 86 Notre Dame Law Review. His "How Different Are Originalism and Non-Originalism" will appear in 62 Hastings Law Journal.

"All in the Family: Privacy and DNA Familial Searching" by Sonia Suter was published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology in the spring of 2010.

Jessica Tillipman published the 2010–2011 edition of Reform of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Procurement: Procurement Regulation for the 21st Century (Thompson West, 2010).

Art Wilmarth's "Reforming Financial Regulation to Address the Too-Big-To-Fail Problem" was published in the Brooklyn Journal of International Law. His book chapter "Cuomo v. Clearing House: The Supreme Court Responds to the Subprime Financial Crisis and Delivers a Major Victory for the Dual Banking System and Consumer Protection" was published in The Panic of 2008: Causes, Consequences, and Implications for Reform (Lawrence E. Mitchell & Arthur E. Wilmarth, Jr., eds., Edward Elgar, 2010).


John F. Banzhaf III continues to file complaints against the sale and use of unregulated e-cigarettes (e-cigs), prompting all major U.S. airlines to announce that their use would no longer be permitted, two jurisdictions to ban their use in no-smoking sections, more attorneys general to file lawsuits against their sale, the FDA to assert jurisdiction over the product and crack down on major sellers, and the Air Force and one Marine base to ban their use in public places. He helped persuade Congress to permit surcharges on smokers purchasing health insurance, even if there is no formal "wellness" plan in place. He articulated legal arguments in opposition to tobacco-control lawsuits filed by Philip Morris in Norway and in Indonesia. Professor Banzhaf also was quoted as an expert on the dangers of clove cigarettes and helped publicize the dangers of third-hand tobacco smoke. In part as a result of his efforts, more jurisdictions banned smoking in homes and cars when children are present. He accepted invitations to present a speech at an international conference in Trondheim, Norway, and a speech at the Fifth Annual Judicial Symposium on Civil Justice Issues. He hosted and presented the keynote address at the Seventh World Conference on Nonsmokers' Rights, and addressed an AARP conference on the use of incentives in wellness programs. He appeared on the BBC to discuss how his "Banzhaf Index" of voting power helped to explain Great Britain's recent election. He also made media appearances and was filmed for an upcoming film, all on the topic of obesity. Recently, Professor Banzhaf's comments on a public health announcement at GW appeared in dozens of major newspapers and television stations.

In November, Jerry Barron was a panelist on the program "National Security, Government Transparency and the First Amendment," sponsored by the American Constitution Society and held at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

In April, Christopher A. Bracey will present a chapter of his forthcoming book, Race and Authenticity, at a faculty colloquium at the University of Colorado Law School.

With Red Families v. Blue Families co-author June Carbone, Naomi Cahn participated in the forum "Culture Clash: Surprising Truths about how Families are Formed in the United States" at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs in October. Also in October, Professors Cahn and Carbone spoke about their book at the Williams Institute at UCLA.

Arturo Carrillo was a panelist for the Symposium on Re-Imagining International Clinical Law at the University of Maryland School of Law in November. He presented "Whither the Human Rights Clinic?", which will be published in 2011 in a symposium issue of the Maryland Journal of International Law. Professor Carrillo also was a panelist for the International Seminar on Human Rights Clinics: An Alternative in Legal Education and for Society, sponsored by the Supreme Court of Mexico and Escuela Libre de Derecho, in Mexico City in September. His presentation, in Spanish, "Differences between community legal services clinics and human rights clinics" will be published in conference proceedings. His "Reflections on and Challenges of Clinical Legal Education in the Field of Human Rights" digital video conference was delivered to students and professors in the Master's in Human Rights program at the Universidad Carlos III in Madrid in June. Professor Carrillo also was an invited speaker at the International Seminar on Group and Class Actions in Cases of Gross Human Rights Violations at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia, in March. His presentations, in Spanish, were "Class Actions and Cases of Gross Human Rights Violations in United States Courts" and "Group and Collective Actions in the Inter-American Human Rights System."

In June, Steve Charnovitz participated in a panel session on climate change and trade at the World Trade Organization in Geneva. In October, he participated in a panel on the impact of nongovernmental organizations held at Brooklyn Law School. Also in October, Professor Charnovitz gave two panel presentations at the ASIL workshop on International Organizations and at the GW Law conference (co-sponsored with the NLRB) honoring the 75th anniversary of the National Labor Relations Act. named both John Duffy and Randall Rader to its list of the "25 Most Influential People in IP."

Lisa Fairfax gave the Osler, Hoskin & Hartcourt LLP Distinguished Lecture in Business Law at Queens University School of Law in Kingston, Ontario, where she spoke about shareholder activism in the United States and Canada. She presented a paper on corporate board diversity at a conference on board diversity and corporate performance co-sponsored by Duke University School of Law and the University of North Carolina School of Law. Professor Fairfax also presented a paper on shareholder power and federal intervention at the Seton Hall University School of Law's conference on securities regulation and the global economic crisis. In addition, Professor Fairfax presented a paper on the impact of government intervention on corporate boards at the University of Minnesota Law School's symposium on government ethics and bailouts.

Roger Fairfax presented a paper on "smart on crime" criminal justice reform at the Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy's "Overcriminalization 2.0" symposium held at Georgetown University in October. He chaired a panel on grand jury reform and presented a talk on grand jury innovation at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting in August. Professor Fairfax served as reporter to the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Standards Revision roundtable in Washington, D.C., and helped plan the first annual ABA Criminal Justice Section Legal Educators Colloquium, held in November.

In October, Phyllis Goldfarb presented "Revision Quest: A Law School Guide to Designing Experiential Courses Involving Real Lawyering" at New York Law School's conference marking the 25th anniversary of its Clinical Theory Workshop. Also in October, she presented a faculty colloquium at Albany Law School on experiential learning across the curriculum as well as a paper on designing experiential courses for the law school curriculum to the New England-area Clinical Theory Workshop, held in Boston. In July, Dean Goldfarb presented "The Intersection of Race and Death" in Athens, Greece, at the International Conference on Law, sponsored by the Athens Institute for Education and Research.

In November, F. Scott Kieff discussed gene patents on NPR.

Laird Kirkpatrick was the keynote speaker at the Kenneth J. O'Connell Conference for Appellate Judges in Portland in September. In October, he spoke at Cornell Law School on "Proof of Contract" at an event honoring Professor Robert S. Summers on his retirement.

Cynthia Lee presented "Interest Convergence Thirty Years Later" as part of a plenary panel celebrating Professor Derrick Bell's work at the Third National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference at Seton Hall University School of Law in September. She presented "The Disappearing Container Doctrine" at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law as part of its Criminal Justice Forum speaker series in October.

In September, Gregory E. Maggs spoke at a conference on military judges on recent developments in national security law. In February, he also participated in a symposium at the Fordham University School of Law on "Nuclear Weapons and International Law: A Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime for the 21st Century."

Michael Matheson spoke on "Detention of Terrorist Suspects" at the Woodrow Wilson Center; on the "International Criminal Court and Aggression" at the Law School; on the "Responsibility of International  Organizations" at the World Bank; on the "Rules of War" on Sirius Radio; on "Litigation in International Tribunals" at the Law School; on the "Kosovo Decision of the International Court of Justice" on Voice of America TV; and on the "International Criminal Court" at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

In September, Joan Meier was a keynote speaker at the Seattle University School of Law's second annual Washington Domestic Violence Symposium, speaking on the legal response to child abuse and domestic violence in custody cases. There, she also led workshops on "Custody Evaluations in Cases with Abuse Allegations: Common Problems and Possible Responses and Making the Record for Appeal." In October, Professor Meier presented with and debated Jeff Fisher, a leading advocate for defendants' rights in confrontation cases, on "Confrontation Rights in Domestic Violence Cases after Crawford" in front of the National Association of Women Judges Annual Conference in San Francisco. Also in October, Professor Meier co-presented "Sexual Abuse Casework and Secondary Trauma: An Occupational Hazard for Professionals" with a psychologist at the D.C. Superior Court's Ninth Annual Family Court Multidisciplinary Training Institute. Finally, on Nov. 12, she presented oral arguments, in the D.C. Court of Appeals in E.J. v. D.J., an appeal by DV LEAP on behalf of a survivor of abuse and her children.

In October, Sean Murphy presented "The Crime of Aggression as Adopted by the ICC First Review Conference: A Step Forward?" at a conference in Berlin jointly organized by the law faculties of Humboldt University and Potsdam University. Professor Murphy also chaired a panel discussion in Washington, D.C., at the American Society of International Law, by the U.S. Department of State Legal Adviser Harold Koh and U.K. Foreign Office Legal Adviser Daniel Bethlehem, on "Challenges and Opportunities in International Law."

In December, Dawn Nunziato delivered "The First Amendment Issue of Our Time" at the Yale Law and Policy Review Symposium on Net Neutrality. She also served as moderator for the panel on Copyright and Specific Industries at the 40th Anniversary Symposium for Justice Stephen Breyer's article "The Uneasy Case for Copyright" in November at the Law School.

Spencer Overton returned to GW this semester. From 2007–2010, he held a variety of positions with the Obama presidential campaign, transition team, and administration, including government reform policy chair (campaign), ethics counsel in the Office of General Counsel and chair of the Election Assistance Commission Agency Review Team (transition), and the principal deputy assistant attorney general in the Department of Justice, Office of Legal Policy (administration). On Oct. 14, Professor Overton was the keynote speaker for the Washington Bar Association's 30th Annual Founders' Lecture. Also in October, he recorded a series of radio interviews for NPR's The Michael Eric Dyson Show about barriers to voting for low-income Americans, college students, and former felons.

In June, Lee Paddock completed work as co-chair of the Subcommittee on Promoting Environmental Stewardship, a subcommittee of the Environmental Protection Agency's National Advisory Council on Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT). NACEPT endorsed the subcommittee's recommendations and forwarded them in the form of an advice letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson on June 7. In September, he gave a presentation on the BP oil spill to the Dutch Energy Law Association in Amsterdam.

Richard Pierce spoke on "The Contributions of Paul Verkuil to Administrative Law Scholarship" at a festschrift at Cardozo Law School, on "What the Studies of Judicial Review of Agency Action Mean" and on "Simplifying Administrative Law Doctrines" at the fall meeting of the ABA Section on Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, and on "The Past, Present, and Future of Energy Regulation" at the University of Utah.

In October, Alfreda Robinson presented a seminar to 22 Latin American judges visiting the United States under the auspices of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The presentation provided the judges with an introduction to U.S. trial practice and the judicial process, and facilitated an exchange of best practices between the U.S. and foreign judges on intellectual property issues.

In September, Lisa Schenck participated as a panel speaker at the Pentagon chapter of the Federal Bar Association's Jobs for JAGs, one-day seminar for military attorneys transitioning from active duty to civilian or government practice. In May, she presented a class to trial and appellate judges on "Government Appeals and Extraordinary Writs" at the 53rd Military Judges Course at the Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School.

In November, Steve Schooner and Chris Yukins co-hosted the U.S.-European Procurement Leadership Round Table in Düsseldorf, Germany. In October, Professor Schooner moderated the Post-Award Contract Management panel at the IPOA Annual Summit of the Stability Operations Industry, Washington, D.C. With Professor Yukins, he co-moderated the panel "The Greening of American Procurement—A Transnational Perspective" at the White House Council on Environmental Quality's GreenGov Symposium in Washington, D.C. In September, Professor Schooner testified regarding oversight in federal contracting before the congressional oversight panel created pursuant to the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). In August, he delivered the luncheon address "Reform, Rhetoric, and Reasonableness: Assessing DoD's Efficiency Initiative" at the Space Contracting Executive Conference in Los Angeles. In July, he was a panelist discussing "Comparative and International Government Procurement Law: Stepping Stones to Reform" at the XVIII International Congress of Comparative Law, in Washington, D.C. Also, Professor Schooner moderated the plenary panel "Who's On First: The Role of Contractors in Accomplishing the Work of Government," at the National Contract Management Association (NCMA) World Congress, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Currently on leave from teaching, Jonathan R. Siegel serves as director of research and policy for the Administrative Conference of the United States. On Oct. 21, Professor Siegel acted as a commenter at the Washington and Lee Law Review Student Notes Presentation Program. On Nov. 19, he presented a paper "Statutory Interpretation: How Much Work Does Language Do?" at the symposium at the Brooklyn Law School's Center for Law, Language, and Cognition.

In May, Michael Selmi presented a paper called "Post-Racial America" at a symposium held at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, and his paper will be published in the Cardozo Law Review in the spring of 2011. In September, he appeared on a panel sponsored by the Center for American Progress on workplace flexibility and the role of men. In November, Professor Selmi presented the paper "Twenty Years after the Civil Rights Act of 1991" at a symposium held at Wake Forest University School of Law, which will be published in the spring of 2011 by the Wake Forest Law Review.

Amanda L. Tyler published "Setting the Supreme Court's Agenda: Is There a Place for Certification?" in 78 The George Washington Law Review (September 2010).

For several years, Christopher Yukins has participated as an adviser to the U.S. delegation to the UNCITRAL working group revising the United Nations' model procurement law. The working group finished its work on the law in Vienna in early November, and it is hoped that the revised law will be approved by UNCITRAL in mid-2011, after the accompanying guide to enactment is completed in early 2011. Also, Professor Yukins and Steven Schooner, together with Professor Martin Burgi of the Ruhr-Universitat/Bochum, Germany, organized the first international meeting of procurement law associations in Düsseldorf, Germany, on Nov. 8. German, British, Austrian, Belgian, Israeli, U.S. and Canadian lawyers, professors, and government officials met to exchange ideas on procurement law and policy.

During the past year, Art Wilmarth presented papers dealing with the financial crisis and financial regulatory reform issues at law school symposia held at American, Brooklyn, Fordham, George Washington, Penn, Suffolk and Warwick (U.K.) universities. In addition, he presented a paper on financial regulatory reform at the annual conference of the American Antitrust Institute. During the summer of 2010, he served as a consultant to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, the body established by Congress to report on the causes of the financial crisis.

Awards & Honors

In October, Arturo Carrillo attended the launch in Bogotá, Colombia, of his latest book, Acciones de grupo y de clase en casos de graves vulneraciones a derechos humanos [Group and Class Actions in Cases of Gross Human Rights Abuses], of which he is co-editor with Beatriz Londoño Toro, of the Public Interest and Human Rights Clinic of the Universidad del Rosario. Professor Carrillo also co-authored a chapter in the book, Human Rights Class Actions in the United States, with two former GW Law students, Courtney Hague and France Bognon. Professor Carrillo also was appointed to the Executive Board of the ABA's Center for Human Rights.

In September, Steve Charnovitz was elected to the American Law Institute.

In October, Christy DeSanctis participated on a panel at American University Washington College of Law's annual conference How Rhetoric Shapes the Law. In early November, she chaired the "Comparative Approaches to Race, Law, and Literature" panel at the University of Maryland's interdisciplinary conference Reading Comparatively: Theories, Practices, Communities. In January, she spoke about "Rhetoric and Persuasion" on one of two legal-writing-related panels at the AALS annual meeting in San Francisco.

Lisa Fairfax was appointed to the Waiver Subcommittee of FINRA's National Adjudicatory Council.

Roger Fairfax was elected to the board of directors of the Harvard University Alumni Association, and was appointed to the board of directors of Archbishop Carroll High School in Washington, D.C.

Rob Glicksman made presentations on EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions at a GW GreenGovernance Symposium, and on the Supreme Court's 2010–2011term and environmental law at the Environmental Law Institute. He also moderated a debate on free market environmentalism and progressive government at the George Mason University Law School, and a book publication discussion on Rena Steinzor's The People's Agents and the Battle to Protect the American Public at the University of Maryland School of Law.

Jeffrey S. Gutman was elected to the boards of the Center for Dispute Settlement and the Washington Council of Lawyers.

Suzanne Jackson was appointed to the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's National Advisory Subcommittee on Medicaid Adult Health Quality Measures.

On Nov. 18, Sean Murphy was nominated by the U.S. government for election in 2011 to the International Law Commission (ILC). Created by the United Nations in 1948, the ILC consists of 34 distinguished legal scholars, practitioners, and government officials elected by the U.N. General Assembly.

Richard Pierce was named a member of the Administrative Conference of the United States.

At the Third National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference, held at Seton Hall Law School in September, Alfreda Robinson was honored with the Extraordinary Leadership Award.

Peter J. Smith received the Distinguished Faculty Service Award at the Law School Diploma Ceremony in May.

Shana Tabak received the 2010 Audre Rapoport Prize for Scholarship on Gender and Human Rights presented by the Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice at the University of Texas School of Law.

Amanda L. Tyler presented "The Suspension Clause and the Protection of Individual Liberty" in a faculty workshop at the University of Virginia School of Law and at GW Law. She also presented the draft to the Yale Law Women at Yale Law School and at a constitutional law colloquium at Stanford Law School.