Alumni Weekend 2009
- More than 300 law alumni attended events throughout the weekend.
- About 25 different class years were represented. Alumni traveled from 15 states and at least three countries outside of the United States.
- Student volunteers staffed the hospitality lounge, provided tours of the Law School, and made our alumni feel welcome.
Law School events included:
- Stockton Guard luncheon
- Law School tours
- Dean Frederick M. Lawrence gave a State of the Law School address.
- Welcome back class cocktail parties
- Classes of 1959, 1964, 1969 at The Hotel Lombardy
- Classes of 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989 at The Mansion on O Street
- Classes of 1994, 1999, 2004 at Co Co. Sala
- Latino Law Alumni Association meeting
- Black Law Alumni Association meeting
- Law alumni ice cream social
- Class Dinner & Awards Ceremony
The Stockton Guard Luncheon
The Stockton Guard is a society of GW Law School alumni that gathers biannually during Commencement Weekend and Alumni Weekend for a luncheon and induction ceremony. Membership is open to those who graduated from the Law School 40 or more years ago. The Stockton Guard Luncheon on Oct. 2 honored alumni who graduated in 1969 or earlier. J. Richard “Rick” Knop, JD ’69, served as convenor for the induction ceremony.
J. Richard Knop, JD ’69, Donald C. Robinson, JD ’67, and Michele Robinson
Balraj K. Palli, LLM ’73, and Walter Baumann, JD ’59
Dean Frederick M. Lawrence and Carlos F. Lucero, JD ’64
Roger Wesley, JD ’69, and Jason D. Kogan, JD ’69
Dean Frederick M. Lawrence, Brian Brunsvold, JD ’67, Ruth Burg, JD ’50, and Michele Robinson
Members of the Stockton Guard greet each other before lunch.
Members of the Stockton Guard celebrate 40 or more years since their graduation.
Thomas A. Morrison, LLM ’84, senior associate dean for administrative affairs; Hank Molinengo, associate dean for administrative affairs; and Ambassador Charles T. Manatt, LLB ’62, former chair of GW's Board of Trustees
Louis Pirkey, JD ’64, Dorothy Baca, Joseph F. Baca, JD ’64, and Henry Eigles, JD ’64
Class Dinner & Awards Ceremony
Nearly 230 guests attended the Class Dinner & Awards Ceremony at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History on Oct. 3. During the celebration, classes presented gifts to Dean Frederick M. Lawrence. The Class of 1969 presented a gift of more than $1 million, the Class of 1974 presented a gift of $262,275, and the Class of 1979 presented a gift of $332,415.
Anna Marie Baca, JD ’05, Chris Van Blarcum, Joseph F. Baca, JD ’64, Dorothy Baca, and Linda Van Blarcum
John M. Tran, JD ’84; Lisa Silverman Parris, JD ’84; Howard Parris, JD ’84; and Lisa J. Obayashi, JD ’84
Weston D. Burnett, JD ’75, LLM ’83, president of The George Washington Law Alumni Association, with Barb Burnett
Carol Elder Bruce, JD ’74, received the Jacob Burns Award for Extraordinary Service to The George Washington University Law School.
Ronnie Blumenthal, JD ’69; Jason D. Kogan, JD ’69; and Michael Levin, JD ’69
Madeline Bial Schaller, JD ’69, and James P. Schaller, JD ’69
Bill Shore, JD ’81, received the J. William Fulbright Distinguished Public Service Award.
Reunion Classes Present Scholarship Gifts
Phil Stahl, JD ’74; Carol Elder Bruce, JD ’74; Dean Frederick M. Lawrence
Dave Scavone
A highlight of GW Law Alumni Reunion Weekend was the dinner held in the Flag Hall of the National Museum of American History on Oct. 3. Members of reunion classes greeted old friends, reconnected with GW Law faculty members, and enjoyed a spectacular evening.
Dean Frederick M. Lawrence welcomed returning alumni and received class gifts from the Classes of 1969, 1974, and 1979. Together, they raised more than $1,625,000 to endow scholarship funds in honor of their respective classes at GW Law. Congratulations to each of the reunion classes on their successful gift campaigns!
Class of ’69 Gift Chair Rick Knop presented Dean Lawrence with a check for $1,030,730. Thanks to Mr. Knop and the members of the class committee, including James Schaller, Madeleine Bial Schaller, and Heather Foley.
Members of the Class of 1974 celebrated their 35th reunion by giving a class gift of $262,275. The committee was chaired by Carol Elder Bruce and Phil Stahl, and included Cary Feldman.
The Class of 1979 honored their 30th reunion with a class gift of $332,415. Co-chairs Ken Adelsberg, Bobby Burchfield, Philip Curley, and Ted Poretz were joined by Ruth Price, Denise Sweet Owens, David Baker, Barbara Budjac Corvette, and Elaine Cassel.
Many thanks to the Classes of 1969, 1974, and 1979! Your successful fund raising efforts ensure that outstanding students will continue to be able to benefit from a GW Law education. Your enthusiasm for creating a lasting legacy at the Law School will challenge future reunion classes.
Bobby Burchfield, JD ’79; Phil Curley, JD ’79; Dean Frederick M. Lawrence
Dave Scavone
J. Richard “Rick” Knop, JD ’69, with Dean Frederick M. Lawrence
Dave Scavone