ByGeorge! Online

May 15, 2003

GW Hosts Exhibition of Paintings By Alumna Clarice Smith

With a stirring introduction citing influences such as Edgar Degas and John Singer Sargent, Francine Trachtenberg introduced Clarice Smith, officially opening an exhibition of 19 works by the GW alumna and former member of the Department of Fine Art and Art History faculty.

“We are viewing paintings by an artist with an exceptional lineage,” said Trachtenberg. “[Smith’s] paintings build on a tradition of artists who have come before.”

“My family affiliation with GW has been one of interest and desire,” said Smith, part of the Smith family’s three-generation connection to the University (along with her father in-law Charles E. Smith, her husband Robert Smith, and their son David Smith). “I have been fortunate to have exhibitions in many wonderful places, but none so satisfying as this one.”


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