Hints from former students

  1. Attend class and be prompt You can miss many important announcements and concepts by skipping class. Your grade will benefit from good attendance.
  2. Read ahead Read the book before coming to class. The discussions in class will make more sense if you have seen the material before.
  3. Come to class well rested SCALEUP demands that you pay close attention and take good notes, therefore, you must be wide awake.
  4. Ask questions Don't sit in class and pretend that you understand when you really don't. Ask the instructors if you have a problem.
  5. Take Mastering Physics seriously This is your best chance to practice concepts learned in class and it can be helpful in preparing for the tests. Don't just try to get the right answers, make sure that you understand the concepts.
  6. Take good notes You will need to be able to refer to them later. This is especially true for the lab experiments; keep your lab notebook up-to-date.
  7. Communicate with your group Let them know up-front what you expect of them and tell them what you expect of yourself.
  8. Work on labs as a team Each member of your group will be responsible for skills learned in labs, so make sure that everyone has a chance to do the work.
  9. Help each other If you understand a concept while others around you are confused, take the time to help them. Someday you might need help.
  10. Tell the instructor immediately if there is a problem with your group Don't wait until the end of the unit to decide that your group is irresponsible.