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Classification of Government Information
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Declassification, Reclassification, and Redeclassification (PowerPoint - 14 MB)





Classification of Government Information in the Interest of National Security

President Bush's Executive Order on Safeguarding Classified Information, EO 12958 as amended by EO 13292, March 25, 2003 (This Executive Order sets forth the procedures and substantive requirements for classifying information in the interest of national security)

White House Background Briefing on President Bush's Executive Order on Safeguarding Classified Information, March 25, 2003

Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), National Archives and Records Administration, Classified National Security Information Directive No. 1, 68 Fed. Reg. 183 (Sept. 22, 2003) (interpretive guidance for implementing Executive Order 12958 as amended by EO 13292)

President Clinton's Executive Order on National Security Information, EO 12958, April 17, 1995

Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel ("ISCAP") (ISCAP decides appeals of classification challenges under EO 12958, approves, denies or amends agency exemptions from automatic declassification, and decides mandatory declassification review appeals by parties whose requests for declassification have been denied at the agency level)

Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy Web Site (one of the best sources for information on classification policy and related materials)

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