Alumni Bookshelf
Jeb Byrne, MA '73, PhD '87, wrote Out in Front: Preparing the Way for JFK and LBJ (State University of New York Press, 2010) about his experiences as an advance man for President John F. Kennedy and as the deputy director of the Lyndon B. Johnson advance unit during the 1964 presidential campaign. Byrne is now retired from the federal government after a long career as a civil servant.
Gordon W. Green's, MPhil '81, PhD '84, new book, Making Your Education Work For You (Forge Books, 2010), outlines a system for students to achieve academic and professional success. Green has served as chief of the governments division of the U.S. Census Bureau, chair of the National Forum on Education Statistics for the U.S. Department of Education, and assistant director of the Welfare Reform Academy at the University of Maryland.
Mark Stein, BA '90, is co-author of Successful Onboarding: A Strategy to Unlock Hidden Value Within Your Organization (McGraw-Hill, 2010), which offers methods for tapping into the potential of new employees and retaining the best. Stein and his co-author emphasize that capitalizing on new hires is the winning edge in the current economy.
Yahia Lababidi, BA '96, (The Humanities, 2010) has published Trial by Ink: From Nietzsche to Belly Dancing, which is a collection of 21 literary and cultural essays about a wide range of subjects. Lababidi is also author of Signposts to Elsewhere, which was selected for "Books of the Year" in 2008, by The Independent (UK).
Anita (Schindelheim) Rausch, BBA '96, is a major contributor to The ETF Handbook (Wiley, 2010) by David J. Abner. The book dissects exchange-traded funds for the common investor and gives advice on getting the most out of the popular investment product.
Lori B. Rassas, JD '97, published Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees (Aspen Publishers, 2010). An employment and labor attorney for more than a decade, Rassas uses her experience to provide a comprehensive guide to employment law.