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The review essay “Beyond Invisibility: Afro- Argentines in their Nation’s Culture and Memory” was published by Robert J. Cottrol in the Latin American Research Review (vol. 42, No. 1, 2007). Cottrol’s essay “The Fifth Auxiliary Right” in 104 Yale Law Journal 995 (1995) was cited by the majority opinion in Parker et. al. v. District of Columbia, a landmark case declaring the District of Columbia’s ban on handguns unconstitutional on grounds that it violated the Second Amendment. Cottrol’s essay “Normative Nominalism: The Paradox of Egalitarian Law in Inealitarian Cultures—Some Lessons from Recent Latin American Historiography” was published in 81 Tulane Law Review 1 (2007).

“The Jurisdictional Heritage of the Grand Jury Clause” by Roger Fairfax was published in the Minnesota Law Review in December 2006. His entry “Grand Jury Investigation and Indictment” was published in Routledge’s Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (2006).

“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Group defamation trials in civil courts and the ‘court’ of public opinion,” by Dean Frederick Lawrence was published in From the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to the Holocaust Denial Trials: Challenging the Media, Law and the Academy (Valentine Mitchell Publishers, 2007).

Gregory E. Maggs published the “Rehnquist Court’s Noninterference with the Guardians of National Security” in The George Washington Law Review 1122 (2006).

“The Amendment of the War Crimes Act” by Michael Matheson will appear in 101 American Journal of International Law (2007).

“Interim Measures of Relief,” by Sean Murphy was published in The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal at 25: The Cases Everyone Needs to Know for Investor-State & International Arbitration (Oxford, 2007). Murphy’s book review of “Shabtai Rosenne, The Law and Practice of the International Court, 1920-2005 (Martinus Nijhoff, 4th ed., 2006),” appeared in 100 American Journal of International Law 963 (2006). Murphy, along with Thomas Buergenthal, also published Public International Law in a Nutshell (West Group, 4th ed., 2007).

Dawn Nunziato’s article “Technology and Pornography” will be published by the Brigham Young University Law Review as part of their project “Symposium Warning! Kids Online: Pornography, Free Speech, and Technology.”

“Linking Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Animal Cruelty” by Joan Schaffner was published in the ABA-TIPS Animal Law Committee Newsletter (2006). Schaffner, who established the GW Animal Law Program in 2003 with Mary Cheh, says the program is accomplishing other goals, such as hosting the Animal Law Summit II in February and setting up educational resources about humane animal treatment and the link between animal and domestic abuse.

Jonathan Siegel’s book chapter, “Political Questions and Political Remedies,” appeared in The Political Question Doctrine and the Supreme Court of the United States (Lexington Books, eds. 2007).

“New Legal Fictions,” an article by Peter Smith, will be published this spring in the Georgetown Law Journal.

“A Brief History of Information Privacy Law” by Daniel Solove was published in Proskauer on Privacy: A Guide to Privacy and Data Security Law in the Information Age (Practising Law Institute, 2006). Solove also wrote “Privacy Torts” and “Reasonable Expectation of Privacy” in Encyclopedia of Privacy (Greenwood Press, 2006).

“Is Suspension a Political Question?” by Amanda L. Tyler was published in the November issue of the Stanford Law Review.

Art Wilmarth’s article, “Conflicts of Interest and Corporate Governance Failures at Universal Banks during the Stock Market Boom of the 1990s: The Cases of Enron and WorldCom,” will be published in Corporate Governance in Banking: A Global Perspective (Benton E. Gup, ed. 2007).

Activities, Awards & Honors

In January, Jerry Barron was the luncheon speaker at a Hofstra Law School conference on “Reclaiming the First Amendment: Constitutional Theories for Media Reform.” Barron’s speech was titled “Access to the Media—A Contemporary Appraisal.” The event, sponsored by Hofstra Law School and the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law School, was held to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Barron’s Harvard Law Review article “Access to the Press—A New First Amendment Right.”

As part of the U.S. Speakers Program, Bob Cottrol lectured on American Civil Rights Law to secondary school and university students at American Corner in libraries in Osijek, Opatija, and Zagreb, Croatia. The discussions, held in March, were sponsored by the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy-Zagreb. Cottrol also lectured on American Civil Rights Law at the University of Miskolc in Miskolc, Hungary, and Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. The event was sponsored by the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy, Budapest.

photoSteve Charnovitz talked about the accountability of nongovernmental organizations during a panel discussion at the United Nations on Jan. 19. The session is available as a Webcast at Charnovitz also presented a paper in December on labor and trade linkage at the Yale Law School Seminar on Law and Globalization.

Charnovitz also contributed a chapter on the accountability of NGOs to the new volume NGO Accountability: Politics, Principles and Innovations (Earthscan, 2006). Another article by Charnovitz, “Taiwan’s WTO Membership and its International Implications,” was published in the Asian Journal of the WTO and International Health Law & Policy (2006).

Roger Fairfax presented a paper, “Procedural Legality and Structural Error,” at the MAPOC Legal Scholarship Conference in January 2007. Fairfax also presented a paper, “Grand Jury Nullification and Constitutional Design,” at the Washington & Lee School of Law in October 2006. Fairfax was named to the advisory board of the White Collar Crime Report, a Bureau of National Affairs publication. In December 2006, Fairfax was also appointed to the public safety workgroup of the Maryland gubernatorial transition team, which advises the new administration on public safety and crime control and prevention issues.

Jeffrey Gutman was appointed to serve as a Complaint Examiner by the District of Columbia Office of Police Complaints.

The American Law Institute elected Gregory E. Maggs as a member.

Michael Matheson participated in the semi-annual meeting of the U.S. State Department Advisory Committee on Public International Law and led a group of law students in a visit to the Legal Adviser’s Office at State.

Larry Mitchell spoke about his book, The Speculation Economy: How Finance Triumphed Over Industry (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2001), at Georgetown Law School, the University of Pennsylvania Economic History Colloquium, McMaster University School of Business, New York Law School, the University of Illinois, and the Harvard Law School Chapter of the American Constitution Society. He also presented his paper, “The Anti-Semitic Roots of Restrictions on Stockholder Litigation” at a conference on Jews and the Law held at Cardozo Law School, sponsored by Cardozo, Harvard, Fordham, and New York Law School. In addition, Mitchell presented a paper on the history of the board of directors at a conference at Columbia Law School honoring Melvin Eisenberg on the 30th anniversary of the publication of his book Structure of Corporate Law. In April, Mitchell will present “The Trouble with Boards” at a conference at New York Law School. He will also talk about the ethical obligations of corporations at a conference on bioethics sponsored by the Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences in Claremont, Calif.

In October, Sean Murphy presented a paper on “Evolving Geneva Convention Paradigms in the ‘War on Terrorism’” at a symposium organized by the GW Law Review. He also attended a legal expert workshop at the Naval War College in Rhode Island to assist in the development of a new U.S. naval strategy. In December, Murphy represented Suriname in the dispute concerning the maritime boundary between Guyana and Suriname before a Law of the Sea Convention Annex VII Arbitral Tribunal, sitting at the OAS headquarters in Washington, D.C. Murphy attended a meeting in January of the Department of State’s Advisory Committee on Public International Law. He also presented a paper on the International Court of Justice at the Georgetown Law School Colloquium on International Legal Theory in February.

At a Brigham Young University Law School conference, Dawn Nunziato delivered her paper on the constitutionality of legislation restricting minors’ access to sexually-themed expression on the Internet. The conference, held in February, was titled “Symposium Warning! Kids Online: Pornography, Free Speech, and Technology.”

In February, Scott Pagel delivered the Third Annual Rare Book Lecture at the University of Texas School of Law. His topic was “The Literature of the Witchcraft Trials.”

Arnold Reitze spoke at the University of Utah Law School’s annual Jefferson Fordham debate on Feb. 20. The topic of discussion was “Solving Global Warming: Should We Regulate?”

Steve Schooner delivered the keynote presentation at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Symposium on “Mapping Out Good Practices for Integrity and Corruption Resistance in Procurement” in Paris, France. In December, he discussed procurement trends at the 2006 Government Contract and Fiscal Law Symposium at the Judge Advocate Generals School in Charlottesville, Va. In January, with Chris Yukins, Schooner presented the paper Incremental Globalization: Chipping Away at the Barriers to an International Procurement Market at the Georgetown Journal of International Law 2007 Symposium. He also discussed privatized military operations at the National Defense University’s Industrial College of the Armed Forces. In February, Schooner discussed “Emerging Policy and Practice Issues” at the West Government Contracts Year in Review Conference in Washington, D.C.; and “Acquisition Leadership Today” at the National Contract Management Association Mid-Year Leadership Conference in Annapolis, Md.

After a semester’s visit to Cornell Law School, Jonathan Siegel recently returned to GW.

In January, Daniel J. Solove moderated and organized the Panel AALS Annual Meeting, “Information, Technology, and Privacy: What’s Next?” in Washington, D.C. He is AALS section chair of defamation and privacy.

Acting as the chairman of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences’ Last Word Society, James Starrs moderated its two and a half hour program in San Antonio, Texas, at the academy’s annual meeting in February 2007. Starrs also delivered the James Frost Lecture at the West Virginia Medical School on April 13. The title of his lecture is “Hollyweirds: Forensic Science on the Silver Screen.”

Bob Tuttle presented a paper on the Establishment Clause and the military chaplaincy, written with Ira C. Lupu, at the annual meeting of the International Society of Military Ethics. Tuttle also presented the paper to the faculty of St. Thomas School of Law.

Art Wilmarth presented a paper titled “Wal-Mart and the Separation of Banking and Commerce” during the Wal-Mart Matters Symposium at the University of Connecticut School of Law in October. Wilmarth’s paper will be published in the University of Connecticut Law Review.

photoDinah Shelton is a recipient of the 2007 Elizabeth Haub Prize for Environmental Law. The accolade was created by the Belgian-based Elizabeth Haub Foundation and has been awarded since 1973 by the International Commission on Environmental Law and the Free University of Brussels. Shelton is one of the very few recipients from the United States to receive the honor during the past three decades.