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GW Law Briefs

In History

25 Years Ago

A student fed up with long lines to copy documents wrote a letter to the editor of The Advocate, explaining why five Xerox machines in the law library for 1,500 students simply wouldn’t do. “A library is supposed to be a building where work is accomplished, not postponed while one waits in line indefinitely,” wrote Stuart M. Address. “Surely copying can be seen as a necessity, not a luxury to be indulged in by only those who miss the slot machines of Atlantic City.”

50 Years Ago

In 1957, prospective Law School students were charged $3 in an application fee. Once they arrived on campus, their tuition for each semester hour at GW Law School was $19, and the Student Bar Association Fee was $3, the Law School handbook stated.

100 Years Ago

President Theodore Roosevelt appointed GW Law School Professor James Brown Scott as legal adviser to the United States representation at The Hague Conference of 1907. The convention, held from June 15 to Oct. 18, expanded on the original peace conference of 1899, which banned the use of certain types of modern war technology, such as chemical warfare and hollow point bullets.

The Magazine gratefully acknowledges the assistance of University Archives in the identification of interesting historical information. For more about GW’s history, please visit the University Archives Web site by accessing The site’s Historical Almanac is especially informative.