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GW Law Briefs

In History

25 Years Ago

Admiral Oswald S. Colclough, a GW Law graduate who went on to be dean, provost, and acting president in the years 1949-65, died in January 1981. The Law Bulletin reported that he was “well and affectionately remembered by all who worked with him.”

50 Years Ago

In March 1956, Amicus Curiae, the newsletter of the Student Bar Association, reported that John M. Harlan, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, had visited the school as guest of honor at the second annual Law Day luncheon. Harlan’s grandfather, Justice John Marshall Harlan, was a member of the GW Law faculty from 1889 to 1910.

100 Years Ago

Students arriving at GW Law in 1906 were informed by the Law Bulletin that “all classes in both the Department of Law and Jurisprudence and that of Politics and Diplomacy are held in Law Lecture Hall, situated on H Street.” Fortunately, “it is commodious and well equipped with lecture-rooms, Moot Court rooms, and offices, and contains a large library, with a conference-room adjoining.”