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Alumni Events

U.S. Supreme Court Bar Swearing-In Ceremony and Brunch

On Jan. 23, 32 GW Law alumni were admitted into the U.S. Supreme Court Bar by Chief Justice John Roberts. The admittees hailed from 11 different states—California to Florida—to participate in the swearing in ceremony led by Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Roger H. Trangsrud.

New Hampshire Reception

Philip Taub, JD ’94, organized a dinner with New Hampshire area alumni on Feb. 15.

(Left, clockwise, from lower left) Barry Ramsdell, JD ’85; Philip B. Taub, JD ’94; Russell E. Carlisle, JD ’55; George C. Bruno, JD ’67; Susan H. Callaghan, JD ’88; Jessica A. Nylund, JD ’00; James O’Rourke Jr., JD ’03; Andru H. Volinsky, JD ’80; and Edward L. Hahn, JD ’73; Not pictured but in attendance were Joseph A. Foster, JD ’84; and Chris Marshall, MS ’94.

Cake and Champagne Reception with Warren Brown

On Feb. 8 alumni gathered at the Law School to sample cake from CakeLove, a restaurant and café owned and operated by Warren Brown, JD ’98, MPH ’98. Brown was on hand to meet with alumni, to answer questions about his café and show Sugar Rush on the Food Network, and to speak generally about using his law degree for a “nontraditional” purpose.

(from left) Colin D. Cook, JD ’02, Warren Brown, JD ’98, MPH ’98, and guest at the cake and champagne reception

Gail Uilkema, Tom Smegal, JD ’61, and John Uilkema, JD ’61, reminisce at the San Francisco Student and Alumni Reception.

Professor Karen Brown and Steven Pazan, JD ’86, share experiences with newly admitted students in Philadelphia.

Newly Admitted Student and Alumni Receptions

Throughout February and March, the Law Alumni Relations Office hosted receptions for newly admitted students and alumni nationwide. With help from alumni hosts, prospective students and GW Law alumni met with deans, faculty members, and current students in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. The alumni hosts were: Eric N. Macey, JD ’78; Stanley Barg, JD ’74; Ian Ballon, JD ’86, LLM ’98; James Penrod, JD ’67; Hon. Gerald E. Rosen, JD ’79; Jonathan Kahan, JD ’73; Marcos Ronquillo, JD ’79; Lynne Barr, JD ’75; William Barr, JD ’77; Steve Goldman, JD ’76; and Marc S. Friedman, JD ’71.

Belva Ann Lockwood Award Luncheon

The Law Association for Women and the Office of Alumni Relations presented the Belva Ann Lockwood Award to Hon. Joanne Folger Alper, JD ’75, at a luncheon in the Michael K. Young Faculty Conference Center in April. The award is given in honor of Lockwood, the first woman to graduate from GW Law and a pioneer in the field of women’s rights. Alper is a judge serving in Virginia’s 17th Circuit Court.

Dean Frederick M. Lawrence and 2006 Belva Ann Lockwood Award recipient Judge Joanne Folger Alper, JD ’75.

Claire Duggan


The Latino Law Alumni Association is Forming!

The Latino Law Alumni Association is looking for interested alumni to help develop and shape the program. If you are interested in this association, please e-mail

Your George Washington University Benefits

As alumni of GW Law, you are entitled to all of the benefits offered by The George Washington University Alumni Association. These include ongoing access to campus facilities; homeowner, renter, and life insurance at discounted rates; and a mortgage assistance program. To see a complete list of GW alumni benefits, go to

Upcoming Events:

  • Friday, Aug. 4, 2006—Join GW Law alumni for cocktails and jazz at The Plaza Club Hawaii on Aug. 4 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. GW Law will be in Honolulu in conjunction with the Annual American Bar Association Convention. Go to the Law Alumni Calendar page at for more details.
  • Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2006—Join GW Law alumni for a reception at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center on Aug. 8 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. GW Law is hosting this reception in conjunction with the Annual National Bar Association Convention. Go to the Law Alumni Calendar page at for more details.
  • Reunion Weekend 2006 is coming!—All Law alumni are welcome to join this year’s reunion highlighting the classes of ’01, ’96, ’81, ’76, and ’56 on the weekend of Oct. 20-22, 2006. Events include a reception on Friday, a gathering of emeriti professors, a dinner at the Corcoran Gallery of Art on Saturday, and several other opportunities to meet, reconnect, and network with GW Alumni. Mark your calendar and plan to join your fellow alumni for this exciting weekend. Learn about events at

The George Washington Law Alumni Association Board of Directors


Richard D. Heideman, JD ’72

Executive Committee Members

Kenneth E. Adelsberg, JD ’79
Hon. Joseph F. Baca, JD ’64
Richard H. Champion, JD ’76
Monica E. Monroe, JD ’98
Christina D. Rodriguez, JD ’05

Board of Directors

Jacqueline D. Arthur, JD ’02
Donald K. Bandler, JD ’79
Stanley Barg, JD ’74
Minaski Bhatt, JD ’90
David E. Breskin, JD ’79
Matthew J. Brief, JD ’80
Weston D. Burnett, JD ’75, LLM ’83
C. Phillip Curley, JD ’79

Darrell L. Dreher, JD ’73
Alan S. Dubin, JD ’76
Caren F. Fires, JD ’85
Paul M. Fires, JD ’85
Catherine Harrington-McBride, JD ’94
John J. Hay, JD ’80
Hon. William Hochman, JD ’62
Sam G. Jammal, JD ’07
H. Scott Johnson, Jr., JD ’97
Matthew D. Keiser, JD ’96
Paul F. Kemp, JD ’74
Steven G. Kobre, JD ’93
Eric A. Koester, JD ’06
Jacqueline C. Ledón, JD ’05
Douglas Mickle, JD ’90
Hon. Denise Sweet Owens, JD ’79
Alfreda Robinson, JD ’78
Christina Guerola Sarchio, JD ’95
Jessica Tillipman, JD ’03
Alison B. Wilson, JD ’00
Darius B. Withers, JD ’94
Patricia H. Wittie, JD ’77