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International Update

Professor Haider Hamoudi of Columbia University Law School (left) delivered the October International Law Colloquium address, “Money Laundering Amidst Mortars: Legislative Process and State Authority in Post-Invasion Iraq.” Dean Susan Karamanian and Kenneth Mwenda, senior counsel in the Legal Advisory Services of the World Bank, visit with Hamoudi.

Steven Watt, a lawyer for the ACLU and active in representing detainees, visits with 1Ls Ashutosh Upreti and Shaunik Panse after his talk in October on “Extraordinary Rendition: Legal Challenges in U.S. Courts.”

In June, Dean Lawrence welcomed Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa Pius Langa, White House Counsel Harriet Miers, and Marian Horn, a judge of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, at a breakfast honoring a delegation of chief justices from a number of African countries. The delegation visited the Law School under the auspices of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Photos by Claire Duggan