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Jerome Barron and C. Thomas Dienes published the seventh edition of Barron, Dienes, McCormack and Redish, Constitutional Law: Principles and Policy, Cases and Materials (Lexis Nexis) in August; the 2006 supplement to the book was published in September.

“Punishment and Accountability: Understanding and Reforming Criminal Sanctions in America” by Donald Braman was published in 53 UCLA Law Review 1143 (2006). He also published “Criminal Law and the Pursuit of Equality” in 84 Texas Law Review 2097 (2006).

“When Judges Lie (And When They Should)” by Paul Butler will be published by the Minnesota Law Review.

Naomi Cahn and Michael Selmi’s “The Class Ceiling,” published in 65 Maryland Law Review 435, is part of a symposium on “Women and the ‘New’ Corporate Governance.” Their “State Representation of Children’s Interests” was published in 40 Family Law Quarterly 109.

The chapter “Justice in Context: The Relevance of Inter-American Human Rights Law and Practice to Repairing the Past” by Arturo Carrillo appears in The Handbook of Reparations (Oxford University Press, 2006).

Steve Charnovitz’s “Nongovernmental Organizations and International Law” was published as a “centennial essay” in the American Journal of International Law in April.

“Privacy Issues Affecting Employers, Employees, and Labor Organizations” by Charles Craver was published in a symposium issue of the Louisiana Law Review. The sixth edition of his Employment Discrimination Law casebook was published by Lexis in September. Craver also will begin a three-year term as a member of the editorial board for the law school division of Lexis Publishing in January.

“Genetics and Environmental Law: Redefining Public Health by Jamie Grodsky, appears in 93 California Law Review 171 (2005) and is one of the top five environmental law articles published in 2005. Articles were evaluated by a peer review panel including leading scholars in environmental law. The articles were reprinted in a special edition of the Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law.

Susan Karamanian’s “Briefly Resuscitating the Great Writ: The International Court of Justice and the U.S. Death Penalty” was published in 69 Albany Law Review 745 (2006).

The 2006 supplement to the second edition of Laird Kirkpatrick’s Federal Evidence was published by West. He also published the 2006 supplement to the second edition of Evidence: Practice Under the Rules (Aspen) and the 2006 statutory supplement to the fifth edition of Evidence Under the Rules (Aspen). Kirkpatrick’s “The Constitutional Right to Present Evidence” appeared in the National Law Journal and the 2006 supplement for the fourth edition of Oregon Evidence (Lexis-Nexis).

Cynthia Lee’s “Integrating Race Into the Curriculum: Learning from Failure” was published by the Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations at the University of Florida, Levin College of Law, in Volume I: Conference Proceedings, Race and Law Curriculum Workshop.

“Estoppel and Textualism” by Gregory Maggs appears in Journal of Comparative Law 167 (2006). His “The Campaign to Restrict the Right to Respond to Terrorist Attacks in Self-Defense under Article 51 of the U.N. Charter and What the United States Can Do about It” appears in 4 Regent International Law Journal 149 (2006).

Michael Matheson’s Council Unbound: The Growth of U.N. Decision Making on Conflict and Post-conflict Issues after the Cold War was published by the U.S. Institute of Peace. His “Continuity and Change in the Law of War: 1975 to 2005: Detainees and POWs” appears in 38 George Washington International Law Review. His “The Fifty-seventh Session of the International Law Commission” appears in 100 American Journal of International Law.

“The Corporate Lawyer and ‘The Perjury Trilemma’” by Thomas Morgan appears in 34 Hofstra Law Review 965, in a symposium honoring Monroe Freedman.

Sean Murphy published “Introduction to Lawyers and Wars: A Symposium in Honor of Edward R. Cummings” in 38 George Washington International Law Review 101 (2006).

The fourth of edition of Peter Raven-Hansen’s National Security Law is forthcoming from Aspen Law & Business; he also will write a new casebook on counter-terrorism law, as well as a fourth edition of Understanding Civil Procedure.

Catherine Ross published Contemporary Family Law with Naomi Cahn, Douglas Abrams, and David Meyer. Her “Choosing a Text for the Family Law Curriculum of the Twenty-First Century” appears in 44 Family Courts Review (October), a symposium issue on the Family Law Education Reform Project in which she participated.

“Post-Katrina Reconstruction Liability: Exposing the Inferior Risk-Bearer,” co-written by Steve Schooner, appeared in the summer 2006 issue of the Harvard Journal on Legislation. His “Keeping Up With Procurement” appeared in the July issue of Government Executive. He also participated in the forum that led to the report “Iraq Reconstruction: Lessons in Contracting and Procurement,” published in July by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction.

Michael Selmi published “Privacy for the Working Class: Public Work and Private Lives” in the summer symposium issue of the Louisiana Law Review. With Naomi Cahn, he also published symposium pieces “The Class Ceiling” in Maryland Law Review and “Women in the Workplace: Which Women, Which Agenda?” in Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy. He joined as a co-author of the casebook Employment Discrimination: Cases and Materials (Labor Law Group, West Publishing).

“New Legal Fictions” by Peter Smith will be published in volume 95 Georgetown Law Journal. He presented the paper at NYU Law School’s Colloquium on Constitutional Law.

Lewis Solomon published From Athens to America: Virtue and the Formulation of Public Policy (Lexington, 2006).

The Digital Person: Technology and Privacy in the Information Age by Daniel Solove was released in paperback in September. His Privacy, Information, and Technology was released in August. His “The First Amendment as Criminal Procedure” was accepted by New York University Law Review. Solove’s “A Taxonomy of Privacy” appears in154 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 477 (2006) and won the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Award (sponsored by Microsoft) for outstanding scholarship.

Edward Swaine published “Reserving” in 31 Yale Journal of International Law 307 (2006) and “Hail, No: Changing the Chief Justice” in 154 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1709 (2006). His review of Jack Goldsmith and Eric Posner’s The Limits of International Law, “Restoring (And Risking) Interest in International Law,” appears in 100 American Journal of International Law 259 (2006).

“A Case Study in Comparative Procurement Law: Assessing UNCITRAL’s Lessons for U.S. Procurement” by Christopher Yukins appears in 35 Public Contract Law Journal 457 (2006). He also co-wrote “International Procurement” in 40 International Law 337 (ABA, Summer 2006).

Activities, Awards & Honors

Martin Adelman, along with Randall R. Rader, taught a course on advanced patent law at the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center in Munich, Germany. Adelman also organized a moot court concerning the validity of a pharmaceutical patent at the First International Conference titled “Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer in Life Sciences: A North-South Dialogue,” sponsored by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in Trieste, Italy. He moderated “Blackberry, Eolas and Beyond” at the High Technology Protection conference at the University of Washington School of Law. He delivered “Disclosure of Origin and Evidence of Prior Informed Consent as a Condition for Enforcing Otherwise Valid Patents Based on Genetic Resources or Associated Traditional Knowledge” at an IP conference in Utrecht, the Netherlands. He also delivered “TRIPS’ Benefits for Developing Countries: Assessing a Balance” at the 2006 ATRIP Congress in Parma, Italy.

At the University of Chicago Law School, Paul Butler served on a criminal justice roundtable. He also discussed innovations in jury trials at the judicial conference of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit; presented on affirmative action at the National Law School in Bangalore, India, and the Indian Society for International Law in New Delhi; discussed computer crimes at the Indian Institute of Technology campuses in Kolkata and Kharagpur; and presented on hip-hop and criminal law at the Soros Foundation Open Society Institute’s criminal justice roundtable.

John F. Banzhaf and his students were featured on a NBC’s Dateline, “Who’s to Blame for the U.S. Obesity Epidemic?” This follows a victory when a lawsuit he participated in against the sale of sodas in schools was successful in forcing major soft drink companies to abandon in-school sales and promotional programs. Also, a class-action lawsuit that Banzhaf promoted charging McDonald’s with contributing to the obesity of minors was upheld for the second time. His antismoking organization, Action on Smoking and Health, also has been successful in several areas internationally.

In Chile, Arturo Carrillo spoke at a meeting of the Network of Latin American Human Rights and Public Interest Law Clinics. He presented on the amicus brief to be filed by the GW Law International Human Rights Clinic on behalf of 20 U.S. law professors with the Chilean Supreme Court in the extradition case currently pending against former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori.

Steve Charnovitz participated in the wrap-up panel for a conference on global environmental governance co-sponsored by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and Georgetown University Law Center. He presented on trade law to a group of judicial trainees from Korea visiting the Law School. He also prepared a paper at the request of the European Parliament Committee on International Trade on enhancing the parliamentary dimension of the World Trade Organization.

The Book Publishing Board of the Section of Litigation of the ABA reappointed W. Burlette Carter.

At the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association held in Montreal, Robert J. Cottrol led an informal discussion roundtable on “Comparative Perspectives on Social Exclusion and Legal Remedy” and served as a panelist during the session “Gated Communities: Privileged Places, Ghettos, or Ethnic Enclaves?”

Charlie Craver made presentations on dispute resolution to a group of Korean attorneys and on United States employment law to a group of Chinese officials.

At a faculty workshop at the William & Mary Law School and at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Association of Law Schools, Roger Fairfax delivered “Grand Jury Nullification.” He also presented “Immunities and Criminal Jurisdiction” at the Criminal Law Research Collective.

Susan Jones was a panelist at the AALS Workshop for New Clinical Teachers, on “Pedagogy of Clinical Legal Education: How Do We Teach” in June. This fall, she is serving one day per week as a distinguished visiting professor at the University of Maryland School of Law.

The Washington Foreign Law Society elected Susan Karamanian to its board of governors. She also delivered “The U.S. Death Penalty on the World’s Stage” at the University of Sydney Law School and discussed investor-state arbitration at the annual meeting of the Australian-New Zealand Society of International Law in New Zealand.

Cynthia Lee spoke on “Teaching Self-Defense” at the AALS Mid-Year Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia. She was a panelist at a symposium on “Gay Panic Strategies” sponsored by the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office at Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. Lee moderated two panels at the ABA’s Annual Meeting in Honolulu and was presented with a plaque honoring her service as chair of the multicultural women attorneys’ network for the ABA Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession for the past two years. Also, she received an outstanding community service award from the Metropolitan Police Department, PSA 401.

In September, Renee Lerner organized a roundtable at GW Law for Washington-area legal historians. In October, Lerner spoke about recent legislation on self-defense at a symposium on “Firearms Law and the Second Amendment “at George Mason Law School. She later addressed federal judges on comparative criminal law and procedure at a judicial seminar in Captiva, Florida, and also presented on judges commenting on evidence at the annual meeting of the American Society for Legal History in Baltimore.

Chip Lupu participated on the Advisory Committee for a study by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies on “Black Churches and the Faith-Based Initiative.” Lupu and Robert Tuttle co-authored a series of updates on legal developments pertaining to the faith-based initiative. These are posted on the Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy,

At the University of Augsburg in Germany this summer, Gregory Maggs taught comparative European and American contract law; the University of Augsburg and GW Law have had a student exchange program for two years. Maggs also presented a paper on estoppel at the XVIIth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands.

Susan Martyn co-wrote Your Lawyer: A User’s Guide, published by Lexis Nexis the in summer and marketed in bookstores nationwide as a guide for clients to better understand their lawyers’ responsibilities. She also co-wrote Red Flags: A Lawyer’s Handbook on Legal Ethics, published by ALI-ABA in 2005. She also served as a member of the Ohio Task Force on the Rules of Professional Conduct, an 18-member group appointed by Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer of the Supreme Court of Ohio to conduct a comprehensive review to make recommendations for a new ethics code for Ohio lawyers.

This summer, Michael Matheson went to Geneva as the U.S. member of the U.N. International Law Commission. He made presentations at the Law School on death penalty litigation at the International Court of Justice, and on the U.N. and Lebanon crisis.

photoJoan Meier’s non-profit Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project received several honors this summer. In addition to a significant grant from the DC Bar Foundation and acknowledgment that DV LEAP is the primary technical assistance provider to domestic violence attorneys in Washington, the project was selected for inclusion in the regional Catalogue for Philanthropy. It also was awarded the prestigious Mary Byron Foundation Celebrating Solutions Award for national model domestic violence programs. In addition, DV LEAP spearheaded the sole domestic violence amicus brief in the Supreme Court case Davis v. Washington which was decided in June; the brief had an evident impact on the decision.

At a GW Law conference on the U.S. attitude toward international courts and tribunals, Sean Murphy presented “The United States and the International Court of Justice: Coping with Antimonies.” He spoke at the Addis Ababa Law School on the Eritrea Ethiopia Claims Commission’s December 2005 decision finding that Eritrea unlawfully invaded Ethiopia in May 1998. He also participated on a panel, organized by the American Society of International Law, on international law five years after 9/11, which was held on Capitol Hill for congressional staffers.

Dawn Nunziato moderated the Constitutional Law and Intellectual Property—First Amendment Law Session at the Association of American Law School’s Mid-Year Meeting Workshop on Intellectual Property in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

photoSpencer Overton was appointed senior fellow at the Jamestown Project at Yale Law School and was appointed to the advisory board of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. He testified before the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on House Administration regarding voter identification requirements and also spoke on voting rights on panels at the National Bar Association annual convention, the National Press Club, and the American Constitution Society annual convention. Overton discussed bilingual ballots on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight and debated issues arising from the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in LULAC v. Perry on PBS’ NewsHour With Jim Lehrer. In addition, he appeared as a guest on more than 40 radio and television programs to talk about his new book, Stealing Democracy: The New Politics of Voter Suppression. More than 150 guests attended Overton’s lecture and book signing event—in part hosted by Cynthia Lee and Daniel Solove—at Busboys and Poets in Washington’s U Street neighborhood.

The ABA appointed Scott Pagel to its accreditation committee.

Peter Raven-Hansen debated Douglas Letter about the legality of the terrorist surveillance program at the Academy of International Trial Lawyers’ annual meeting.

At the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics annual meeting in Germany, Catherine Ross delivered “Balancing the Interests of the National Community and the Rights of Religious Minorities in State-Supported Schools” as part of the keynote panel on communitarian ideals and civil society.

Steve Schooner delivered the Hawaii Procurement Institute luncheon presentation, “Public Procurement and the Public Interest,” at the University of Hawaii. He also taught the contract attorney’s course at the Army Judge Advocate General’s School in Charlottesville, Va. Schooner presented at the World Trade Organization’s regional workshop on government procurement for Caribbean countries in Bridgetown, Barbados.

At a symposium at New York University Law School, Michael Selmi presented a paper on the evolution of the Americans with Disabilities Act. He also participated in the annual equal employment roundtable held at Cornell University and discussed “The State of Class Action Employment Discrimination Cases” at an employment discrimination class actions conference in Chicago. Selmi participated in a labor law group conference in New York, where he presented a paper on an identity and performance in the workplace. He also was elected secretary of the AALS section on labor relations and employment law and serves as a member of the labor law group.

The jury of the Elisabeth Haub Prize for Environmental Law selected Dinah Shelton as the 2007 recipient. The prize has been given annually since 1973. Shelton is the fourth American and second woman to be recognized for this prestigious award. The presentation will take place in Brussels next year.

Donald Solove spoke on a panel about blogging at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools annual meeting.

At Duke University, Edward Swaine presented “Taking Turns” at the conference on delegating sovereignty. He also presented “Alien Authority?” at the University of Georgia Law School.

Art Wilmarth presented at the 42nd Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition. His paper, published in the conference proceedings, is titled “The OCC’s Preemption Rules Threaten to Undermine the Dual Banking System, Consumer Protection, and the Federal Reserve’s Role in Bank Supervision.”

At the U.S. Interagency Ethics Council in Washington, Christopher Yukins presented “Integrating Ethics and Procurement–International Lessons.” to the U.S. He also presented two papers at the conference Public Procurement: Global Revolution III in England: “Electronic Reverse Auctions: U.S. Experience” and “Electronic Procurement: Lessons from the U.S. Experience.” He also presented “New Challenges in Devolving Procurement Functions to Lead Systems Integrators” at the ABA’s public contract law section’s annual meeting in Hawaii.

photoThe National Bar Association honored Alfreda Robinson with its prestigious Sankofa Award at its annual meeting in Detroit in August. The award acknowledges Robinson’s efforts toward “empowering our futures by her tireless efforts to make a quality education accessible to all.”