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From The Editor's Desk: Flowers on the Wall

In the Postmarks section of our last issue, Star Lawrence, BA ’66, responded to “On the Front Line” (Fall 2005), a story about alumni serving in Iraq, by asking members of the University community to put a flower on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in honor of her GW classmate, Nicholas Krimont. “I am far, far away now,” explained Lawrence, who resides in Arizona.

In late August, during the final stages of production for this issue of GW Magazine, a package arrived addressed as a letter to the editor. Enclosed was the photo you see here, with a note saying “a fellow alum” and his or her two sons had placed two white carnations in front of Krimont’s name, in his memory. Also enclosed was a pencil rubbing of Krimont’s name engraved on the Wall.

On behalf of editor Heather Milke and our entire staff, I thank both “a fellow alum” and Star Lawrence. We are honored to produce a publication for GW alumni, who—in addition to being active and impressive—are extraordinarily thoughtful and kind.

Laura Ewald
Acting Editor