Stellar Achievements
By Heather O. Milke

Virginia’s Man of the Moment
By Bob Guldin

Music and Medicine: The Harmon Legacy
By Julie Martin Mangis

From the Editor's Desk

GW News

A Faculty for Writing

Alumni Newsmakers

Alumni Events and Activities

Remembering “Doc”
By Julie Martin Mangis

Terrorists in the Balance
By Amitai Etzioni

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From the Editor’s Desk

Yesterday, today, tomorrow. As I read over the copy for this spring issue, I was reminded that our three featured articles represent a wide range of material that is of such historic importance that it will undoubtedly intrigue our readers—for very different reasons.

Julie Martin Mangis has given us a rare insider’s view of a piece of vital GW history—that being the important role of music in University’s cultural development. Most particularly, the piece is a paean to the “Doc” Harmon era and to Robert H. Harmon’s contributions on many levels to the academic and social lives of decades of GW students. Moreover, Mangis brings the story right up to date with sidebars on the founding of GW’s Music Department and on its new choral director.

“Today” is exemplified by Bob Guldin’s cover story on the Commonwealth of Virginia’s new governor, Mark Warner, who’s both a GW graduate and a former member of the University’s Board of Trustees. Warner proved himself a talented and versatile campaigner, winning the governorship with a savvy combination that showcased his delight in both bluegrass music and hi-tech entrepreneurship. Virginia offers some big challenges to the new governor, but our money is on Warner to surmount them.

And if you don’t believe that “the future is now,” just ask the six GW alumni who are part of the engineering team that was preparing for the fourth “servicing mission” of the Hubble Space Telescope as we wrote our article. As the Hubble churns out never-before-seen images of black holes and ancient galaxies from an unobscured orbit beyond Earth’s cloudy atmosphere, following another successful mission, Heather Milke brings us impressive insights into the vital roles our alumni are playing.

It is also a real pleasure to call to your attention a very special supplement contained within—“Common Ground,” which celebrates in words and fabulous old photos the 90th anniversary of GW’s location in Foggy Bottom. This pictorial essay tells the story of the partnerships that have enhanced both the University and the neighborhood. “Foggy Bottom,” the essay tells us, “has retained its charm over the years while many of the District’s surrounding areas have become concrete canyons. As a part of the community, GW has striven to create a beautiful area where people can comfortably enjoy living, studying, working, and playing.”

And another kind of GW history will be made April 1. No foolin’—see GW News

We wish our neighbors—in Foggy Bottom and around the world—a Spring full of tulips and cherry blossoms and daffodils…and peace.

Sandy Holland

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