Artist's Corner
Dancing at Vivians, Peggy Flemin
Claudia Chapline, BA 53, was co-curator and artist in the Paris/San Francisco exchange exhibition that appeared at SOMARTS Gallery in San Francisco in February and at Marie du 6e Salle du Vieux-Colombier in Paris in April. She founded the Claudia Chapline Gallery at Stinson Beach in 1987.
Si por Cuba, a photography show held in the Factory Photoworks Gallery at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, Va., featured photography by Peggy Fleming, MA 69. Fleming was also the recent recipient of a photography grant from the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities.
The work of Lawana Holland, BA 96, was featured in Prevailing Human Spirit, a Society of Illustrators memorial tribute to September 11th victims. The exhibition was held at the Museum of American Illustration in New York City.
Figure Study in Red Chalk, Robert Liberace
American Artist magazine featured the drawings of Robert Liberace, MFA 93, for its lead story in its May 2002 issue. In April 2001 he received First Honors Award in the International Portrait Competition from the Portrait Society of America for one of his oil portraits. His portrait commissions include former President Bush and Ambassador Sol Linowitz. Liberaces work, represented by the Arcadia Gallery in New York City and The Classical Gallery in Alexandria, Va., can be found online at
Jill A. Lion, BA 63, created a soapstone carving for the Our Daily Bread Annual Auction, a yearly fundraiser for the soup kitchen in Baltimore.
An exhibit of digital panoramic prints by GW Associate Professor Jeffrey Stephanic, BA 77, MFA 80, hangs at Washingtons Anton Gallery Sept. 6-Oct. 12. Jeff Stephanic: Within Sight showcases a methodology that produces a symbolic sense of place.
Gridscapes, a solo exhibition featuring the work of Cynthia Young, MFA 78, appeared at the Touchstone Gallery in Washington, D.C., in June and July 2002. Youngs work in this show focuses on the concept of imposing order upon the disorder of the material world.
Detritus, Cynthia Young
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