Writing: A Business, A Trade, A Life
By B.B. Whitebook

A Dying Art
By Danny Freedman

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Remarks by Bob Schieffer

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Fewer Secrets,
Fewer Wars?
By Kristin M. Lord

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Alumni Weekend 2000 was a huge success – more than 2,000 alumni and friends descended on the Foggy Bottom campus for a weekend of reunions, seminars, and a Saturday evening extravaganza. Pictured here are members of the Class of 1950, which celebrated its 50th reunion and induction into the Alumni Emeriti society.

The NY GW Alumni Club hosted “An Evening with Abby Joseph Cohen” on Nov. 30, 2000. More than 300 New York area alumni and friends gathered to hear Cohen, MA ’76, chief strategist for Goldman Sachs, share her insights on the markets. Pictured here are Lester Lefton, CSAS dean; Keith Betts, MBA ’89, EdD ’95, executive director of alumni relations; David Parker (BA ’89, JD ’92), president, NY GW Alumni Club; Abby Joseph Cohen; Michael J. Worth, vice president for development and alumni affairs; and David Moore, MBA ’80, GW Alumni Association president.

The GWAA recognized five graduates with the Alumni Service award on March 8, 2001. Pictured here are Keith Betts, MBA ’89, EdD ’95, executive director of alumni relations, with awardees David Berz, BA ’70, JD ’73; Sherry Kirschner Berz, BA ’72, MA ’73; Mark Hughes BS ’69, MA ’77; GWAA President David Moore, MBA ’80; and awardees Algeria Tate, MBA ’84; and Dennis Shepard, MD ’63.

The GWAA sponsored its semiannual Embassy Reception on Nov. 2, 2000. Egyptian Ambassador Nabil Fahmy (pictured here with President Trachtenberg) hosted the event, which drew more than 300 alumni and friends.

“Party on the Potomac VIII” was a huge success. Held in conjunction with the GW Men’s Crew Invitational, “Party on the Potomac” is sponsored by the Young Alumni Council to welcome members of the graduating class to the GW Alumni Association. Pictured here are three of the more than 300 alumni and graduates who attended.