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MILWAUKEE, Wis.—On Tuesday of this week I attended the Hadassah convention in Chicago, and spoke at the evening session.
The first part of the day's meeting showed a movie of some of the work done in Israel for young people in training them for trades and occupations, and it was very well done. That part of the program culminated in a speech by Lt. Col. Bruce McDaniel, which was very fine.
The second part of the program was devoted to the work of Youth Aliyah. For this portion of the activities a delightful play was given by groups of Chicago children who depicted what the dream of Israel meant to many children throughout the world.
This was a most-touching and moving presentation and the stage management for the whole evening was remarkably well done.
I left Chicago feeling that it had been very well worthwhile to attend this convention. I would have liked to have stayed over and heard the workshop that was to be conducted on Wednesday morning by Mrs. Joseph P. Lash, but unfortunately that was not possible as I had to be in New Haven to speak on Wednesday evening.
Another tragedy has occurred in the explosion in the air of a United Airlines plane flying over Colorado. These accidents should be gone into with extreme care because travel by air has now become so common that it is not looked upon any more as a risky way to travel.
We must, therefore, try in every possible way to find out why there are these unfortunate accidents.
In the early days of railroad travel there were many railroad accidents, but these have gradually grown less through the years. Funds provided for the care of the orphans left by railroad engineers, who were considered in those days to have a very dangerous profession, have gradually been eliminated. There are very few accidents now, and few engineers lose their lives.
I hope this progress will be shown in travel by airplane and that accidents will become less and less frequent.
Perhaps the most dangerous form of travel is by automobile and one must constantly keep in mind that holiday seasons are the most dangerous of all.
We are now approaching Thanksgiving to be followed next month by Christmas and New Year's, and these are very dangerous times. Just obliging people to be insured, which I think is a very wise move, will not bring people back to life if there is a fatal automobile accident.
So, the annual appeal for people not to drink before driving during these holiday seasons is being made.
But it is just as important at all times of the year to follow this good advice, for no one who is not fully alert and clear-headed should be behind the wheel of an automobile. They are endangering their own lives as well as those of other drivers and car occupants.
(Copyright, 1955, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
About this document
My Day by Eleanor Roosevelt, November 5, 1955
Digital edition created by The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project The George Washington University 312 Academic Building 2100 Foxhall Road, NW Washington, DC 20007
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The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project
Available under licence from the Estate of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.
Published with permission from the Estate of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.
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TEI-P5 edition published on April 28, 2017.
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