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ROCHESTER—On Monday, October 24, there was a ceremony at New York's City Hall, commemorating United Nations Day. This was the U.N.'s real birthday, the day on which was observed the organization's 10th anniversary.
I particularly liked the program placed at our seats because it said on the outside: "Observance of 10th U.N. Day by the people of the City of New York." That is certainly the spirit in which these observances should take place. The people should be the ones who are really important. Those on hand were, for the most part, the representatives of various organizations and they brought children with them from the public schools of the city who had won prizes in the essay contest on "The 10th birthday of the U.N."
These essay contests were inaugurated by the late Mr. John Golden, who was the first chairman for U.N. Day in New York City. He always gave the prizes for the children's contest, and in his memory the John Golden Fund donated the prizes this year.
John Golden believed that the young people of all countries were important and he did a great deal for the children of our country. When he died he left his home and grounds for the use of the boys who had been playing baseball on his property for many years under the supervision of the Police Athletic League.
His attorney and intimate friend, Newbold Morris, was appointed by Mayor Robert Wagner to work with Mrs. Wagner on this year's celebration but, nevertheless, one felt all through the mornig, as each speaker spoke of John Golden's contribution, that his spirit must be hovering nearby and one hoped he felt the warm gratitude that the mention of his name brought to so many hearts.
The Secretary General of the U.N. and the president of the General Assembly and some 20 ambassadors came to these ceremonies, which were presided over by Mr. Richard C. Patterson, Commissioner of the Department of Commerce and Public Events.
A tree will be planted in City Hall park and a bronze plaque was unveiled at the ceremonies, which will mark the dedication of the U.N. tree.
The music was provided by the New York City High School of Music and Art, together with the very fine city band.
Dr. Charles Mayo, president of the American Association for the United Nations, and Mr. J.S. McDonnell, chairman of the U.S. Committee for U.N. Day, both accompanied Mr. Clark Eichelberger and myself to the ceremonies and were impressed by the way everything was done.
I had a meeting Monday afternoon with Dr. Mayo and Mr. McDonnell at five o'clock in my apartment and on Monday evening I attended the concert at the U.N., which was, as usual, a delightful occasion.
About this document
My Day by Eleanor Roosevelt, October 27, 1955
Digital edition created by The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project The George Washington University 312 Academic Building 2100 Foxhall Road, NW Washington, DC 20007
Digital edition published 2008, 2017 by
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project
Available under licence from the Estate of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.
Published with permission from the Estate of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.
MEP edition publlished on June 30, 2008.
TEI-P5 edition published on April 28, 2017.
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