The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers, Digital Edition > My Day
NOVEMBER 23, 1955
[This column has emendations. View original version]
NEW YORK—This past Sunday was the first real touch of winter weather I have felt. And as I took my little black Scottie for a walk in the morning everyone hurried by holding on to their hats and looking as though it had rather taken them by surprise to find that winter was really here.
It appears as if the Soviets have maneuvered us into a very unfortunate position on the admission of new members to the United Nations. The package for 18 new members would be the beginning of a real increase toward the final goal of universality, but, as has happened before, we are in an inflexible situation.
There seems to be no way that we can extricate ourselves for, as I understand it, it is a matter of principle that Outer Mongolia, which Russia wants admitted, is not a free nation. Of course, but what about Yemen and Jordan, for instance?
We might very gracefully say to the Soviet Union that we recognize that it is gaining a vote. But the Soviet bloc is so far behind the powers of the West, who, while they are free, still seem to come together on important questions. And, therefore, since the balance will be kept, we will kindly hand them another vote if they feel they need it to preserve their self-respect and strengthen their position in the area of the world where China might become a threat to them.
It was amusing to read that Marshal Bulganin in his speech in India said he "was certain the Soviet Union and the Western powers would be able to solve the problems dividing them." This could be good news from the Soviet leader—but how are we to believe him?—since he knows quite well that it depends on him very largely and his colleagues whether these problems are solved or not.
Prime Minister Nehru took the same occasion to denounce military pacts and alliances and to declare his country had not taken sides. His words were very clear:
“We are in no camp and in no military alliance. The only camp we should like to be in is the camp of peace and goodwill, which should include as many countries as possible and be opposed to none.”
Emotionally, the Prime Minister of India has a horror of war and cannot bear the thought of nuclear weapons.
There are many of us, of course, who feel the same way and who are relieved at the thought that more and more countries, even the Soviet Union, may be recognizing the fact that war is too dangerous for anyone to play with.
But if this only means that the Soviets are going to increase their efforts to spread communism in other ways, then the difficulties dividing the East and West are going to continue despite Marshal Bulganin's assurances that they can be solved. For to be made a slave by inches is just as disagreeable as to be killed outright in a few seconds.
(Copyright, 1955, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
About this document
My Day by Eleanor Roosevelt, November 23, 1955
Digital edition created by The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project The George Washington University 312 Academic Building 2100 Foxhall Road, NW Washington, DC 20007
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The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project
Available under licence from the Estate of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.
Published with permission from the Estate of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.
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