The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers, Digital Edition > My Day
JANUARY 18, 1955
[This column has emendations. View original version]
NEW YORK—Two books were sent to me as I was traveling the past two weeks, and one of them I have had a chance to glance through. It was written by a young Chinese girl now married to an American. She was born in Peiping and the book is the story of her youth and of her subsequent adventures. She must have had great courage, for the adventures started when she was very young. The book is called "Daughter of the Khans" and is written by Liang Yen. I think everyone will find it interesting and pleasant reading.
The other book is called "The Soul of Ann Rutledge" by Mrs. Bernie Babcock. Of course, there is some controversy on this subject, as some people think that there never was an Ann Rutledge romance. But in the introduction to this book the author tells of having information both from Mrs. Saunders, Ann's sister, and also a copy of material prepared by her older brother, Robert Rutledge. Mrs. Babcock feels that her story is "no myth or ill-born fantasy." I have always liked the story of Ann Rutledge and I am sure that you will find this easy and enjoyable reading.
The second installment of the report by a Senate investigating committee on juvenile delinquency written by Herbert W. Beaser and Richard Clendenen in the Saturday Evening Post is very interesting because it gives us some definite things to think about.
In pointing out the changes in the home lives of our children, which have come about through modern invention in the past 60 years, the automobile comes in for a share of blame. It has put the whole nation on wheels and we move much more easily than we used to do.
The protection of a stable community no longer exists for most children. But the thing which struck me most was pointing the finger at the ways in which we older people give our young people bad examples. I often have driven slightly faster than a posted speed limit, but I never have thought that actually I was encouraging the young people to break the law—and that they would do it with less judgment and more recklessness than their elders.
To give an example to the young of being law-abiding is not as easy as we usually think. I am glad that there are to be more installments on this subject because I think these two reporters will needle our consciences in a way that may be very good for us.
In Holiday magazine there is an article on Israel, "Land of the Bible" by Joan Comay, the wife of Israel's Ambassador to Canada. It is a fascinating article and the pictures accompanying it are beautiful. I think it will be enjoyed by many people.
Another article in this magazine which I particularly liked is the one on Puerto Rico. I have not been to Puerto Rico in many years, but I remember it very vividly and can recall that it had great charm. I have hoped that the opportunity would present itself to go there again in the future.
About this document
My Day by Eleanor Roosevelt, January 18, 1955
Digital edition created by The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project The George Washington University 312 Academic Building 2100 Foxhall Road, NW Washington, DC 20007
Digital edition published 2008, 2017 by
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project
Available under licence from the Estate of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.
Published with permission from the Estate of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt.
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TEI-P5 edition published on April 28, 2017.
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