The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers

Eleanor Roosevelt to John F. Kennedy, with Enclosure

January 6, 1959

Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt
301 fifty-sixth street west
new york 19, n. y.

Dear Senator Kennedy:

I am enclosing a copy of my column for tomorrow and as you will note I have given your statement as the fairest way to answer what are generally believed and stated beliefs in this country. People will, of course, never give names as that would open them to liability.

I hope you will feel that I have handled the matter fairly.

Very sincerely yours,

Eleanor Roosevelt


Enclosure: Excerpt of column dated January 6, 1959

Index to this Document: 1960 presidential campaign; Campaign finance; Kennedy, John F.: 1960 campaign organization of; criticized in My Day; ER criticized by; ER, retraction demanded from; Kennedy, Joseph P.: criticized in My Day; My Day: criticism of JFK in; criticism of JPK in; references to; Roosevelt, Eleanor: on campaign finance; journalistic practices of; JFK, criticism of; JFK, retraction demanded by

Published by the Model Editions Partnership

Recommended citation: Eleanor Roosevelt, John Kennedy, and the Election of 1960: A Project of The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers, ed. by Allida Black, June Hopkins, John Sears, Christopher Alhambra, Mary Jo Binker, Christopher Brick, John S. Emrich, Eugenia Gusev, Kristen E. Gwinn, and Bryan D. Peery (Columbia, S.C.: Model Editions Partnership, 2003). Electronic version based on unpublished letters. .

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