Sept. 6, 2002

GW Graduate School of Political Management to Host “Democracy Day” Sept. 17

Leaders to Address Students From Across the Country

The Graduate School of Political Management is hosting “Democracy Day,” a leadership conference for student body presidents and campus newspaper editors from top colleges and universities Sept. 17, from 9 am–5 pm in the Dorothy Betts Marvin Theatre. The program will provide participants access to and information from the nation’s top political activists and social leaders.

Featured speakers include Christopher Arterton, dean of the Graduate School of Political Management, Bernadette Budde, senior vice president of BIPAC, and Mark Gersh, Washington director for The National Committee for an Effective Congress.

The program will commemorate two major events in American history: the signing of the US Constitution on Sept. 17, 1789, and the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. It is also part of National Civic Participation Week, a celebration that will showcase American democracy and civic participation, honor the spirit of the American people, and pay tribute to those lost on Sept. 11. The Participate America Foundation, a national consortium of civic organizations and corporations led by Robert Hansan, CEO of Capital Advantage, is coordinating the weeklong celebration.

“The overall concept of ‘Democracy Day’ is a celebration of the achievements of the founders,” says Arterton. “It is designed to appeal to student leaders who care about their community and are dedicated to spreading the ideals of civic participation.”

The conference will conduct training on ways student leaders can establish their own “Democracy Day” events at their respective schools. Each participant will take home an “Organizing” kit, a 20-page document covering a number of areas such as planning, volunteer recruitment, meetings, and public relations.


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