ByGeorge! Online

Summer 2002

GW Awards Smithsonian Anthropologist

Rose Called "One-Woman Graduate School"

Carolyn Rose, adjunct associate professor of art and anthropology, was awarded The George Washington University’s President’s Medal at a ceremony last month. Rose, an internationally distinguished conservation scientist, has been critical to the establishment of GW’s museum studies program. After graduating from Sweet Briar College in 1971, she came to GW only to discover the field she wanted to study did not exist. So she created both the field and the degree, earning a master’s degree in special studies focusing on: anthropology, art history, and classical archaeology, conservation science, and museum studies.

Rose continues to teach and advise at the University, in addition to her work as chair of the Smithsonian Institution’s anthropology department.

“[Rose] became, in essence, a one-woman graduate school who has taught every prominent person in the field who works with anthropological objects,” says President Trachtenberg.


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