
December 2004

GW Alumnus Reid Named US Senate Democratic Leader

By Matthew Nehmer

With Harry M. Reid tapped as the new US Senate minority leader, The George Washington University adds yet another name to its roster of graduates reaching the highest levels of federal leadership.

The senior senator from Nevada earned his Juris Doctorate from GW’s Law School in 1964. Other GW alumni in government leadership positions include Treasury Secretary John Snow, JD ’67; outgoing Secretary of State Colin Powell, MBA ’71; and Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, BA ’77. Reid’s fellow senators with GW degrees include North Dakota Sen. Kent Conrad, MBA ’75; Wyoming Sen. Michael Enzi, BBA ’66; and Hawaii Sen. Daniel Inouye, JD ’52.

“The GW Law School prepared me for a career that I love,” said Reid. “Whether I was practicing law or drafting laws, it has always been an honor and a privilege to be involved in this profession.”

“Senator Reid’s commitment to public service and his successful career represent the realization of our best hopes for our graduates,” said GW President Stephen Joel Trachtenberg. “He is among a growing number of GW alumni who are serving their country on both sides of the aisle with distinction and in ways that make a difference in our world. We take great pride in his accomplishments.”

Reid is in the select company of GW alumni who made a major mark in Washington politics and policy such as Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, LLB ’12; CIA Director Allen W. Dulles, LLB ’26, LLD ’59; and Sen. J. William Fulbright, LLB ’34, LLD ’59.

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