

GW Kicks Off United Way Campaign

The University’s United Way campaign is currently being conducted through Dec. 16. The following is a Q&A with Gerald Kauvar, special assistant to the president and a member of the United Way of the National Capital Area’s board of directors.

BG: How does the United Way use the money I donate?

GK: You can designate your pledge in several ways. You may give directly to a particular organization or to a community service fund, or you may split your gift among many recipients. This year, the United Way of the National Capital Area (UWNCA) has more than 850 individual charities that met the criteria for membership; they’re listed in the pledge book. To gain UWNCA approval, charities must have overhead expenses no greater than 25 percent and be registered as non-profit organizations for tax purposes.

BG: How do I make a donation?

GK: You may pledge through payroll deduction either by filling out a pledge form or electronically. You have the option of paying a pledge through payroll deduction over the course of a year. You also may write a check or make a cash donation.

BG: If I designate a gift to an organization, such as the Central Food Bank, how much of that donation actually goes to the food bank and how much does the United Way keep?

GK: The UWNCA has one of the lowest overhead rates of any United Way. The national average is 12.7 percent; our United Way’s overhead is 12.5 percent.

BG: Why should I make a contribution to the United Way for a specific organization when I can give directly to that organization?

GK: You’re always welcome to donate directly to any organization. But most of the over 850 organizations supported by the UWNCA have no fund-raising staff, and they rely on the United Way. Moreover, by donating through the United Way, you can divide your gift among several charities and let the United Way do the bookkeeping.

BG: How do I know the United Way is properly managing the funds it receives?

GK: Three years ago your local United Way was embroiled in scandals. The individual most responsible for them is now in jail, and will be deported when his jail term is up. In addition, he is obliged to make restitution to the UWNCA. The board that was derelict in its duty was replaced by a new board of community leaders, including myself. Your United Way is now a completely transparent organization.

For more information, call (202) 994-7129 or e-mail



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