ByGeorge! Online

Aug. 21, 2001

A Weak Link Generates Campus Notoriety

By Nicholina Ferramosca

“You are the weakest link. … Goodbye!”

So were the words that Columbian College junior Joshua Hiscock heard as he was voted off NBC’s primetime game show, “The Weakest Link.”

Ironically, On April 1 — April Fool’s Day — when Hiscock auditioned for the show. The Washington Hilton was the site, and some 400 people joined Hiscock, an American studies major and journalism minor, for “The Weakest Link” audition, which included a 15 minute exam. The exam ranged from TV trivia questions to history and sports. Out of that group of 80 people in the first session, 24 were chosen to compete in round two — an on-camera interview. After the interview, the contestants played a simulated round of the game and were graded, based on how they answered the questions, banked money, and voted off other contestants. Hiscock was called back on May 9 and offered a spot on the May 16 taping. NBC flew him and 11 others to California to stay at the Universal Sheraton at Universal Studios in Hollywood.

Upon his arrival in Hollywood, Hiscock and the other 11 contestants competed once more for a spot on the show. Based on a 45-second interview, the producers picked eight people who were randomly assigned their spot on the stage.

Throughout the five hours of taping, 15 minutes of which was the actual game, Anne Robinson, the acerbic host of “Weakest Link,” fired piercing jibes toward Hiscock such as, “Oh, you’re still here.” During his final round, Hiscock, who has interned at the White House, is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Student Administration Representative (STAR) co-coordinator, and a member of the College Democrats, was plagued by “I don’t know” answers and was voted off because of his “rough round,” leaving only two contestants. Unfortunately, only the final winner receives any prize money.

“Being on the show was one of the most unique experiences of my life,” says Hiscock. “I will never forget the people I met, the experience of being in California, and being on national television.”

Since the airing of the show, Hiscock has been asked to have his picture taken with random Washington, DC, tourists and has gained notoriety on GW’s campus. Also, Hiscock was asked by ABC to audition for “Jeopardy” but was unable to because his “Weakest Link” contract binds him to NBC for the next year.


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