'Israel and the Bomb' : About the Author : Related Publications

Related Publications


The Nuclear Age: A Chapter in Moral History (in Hebrew). Tel Aviv: Misrad Habitachon, 1989, 160 pages.

Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Humanity. Co-edited with Steven Lee. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld, 1986, 496 pages.


The Nuclear Question and the Peace Process: A New Outlook (in Hebrew). Efal: Yad Tabenkin, 1995, 61 pages. (A revised and expanded Hebrew version of the MIT/DACS Working Paper).

Toward a New Middle East: Rethinking the Nuclear Question. MIT/DACS Working Paper, November 1994.

Journal Articles

"And Then There Was One," Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, September-October 1998, 51-55.

"Before the Beginning: The Early History of the Israeli Nuclear Project (1949-1954)." Israel Studies, 3, No. 1 (Spring 1998), 112-139..

"Assessing Virtual Nuclear Arsenals." Survival 40, no. 1 (Spring 1998), 129-44. Co-authored with Joseph Pilat.

"Israel and the Evolution of American Nonproliferation Policy: The Critical Decade" (1958-1968)." Nonproliferation Review Vol. 5 No. 2 (Winter 1998): 1-19,

"Dimona, Cairo and the June 1967 War." Middle East Journal 50, no. 2 (Spring 1996): 190-210; a shortened Hebrew translation appears in the IDF quarterly, Ma'archot, No. 360 (August 1998), 1-14.

"Israel's Nuclear History: The Untold Kennedy-Eshkol Dimona Correspondence." Journal of Israeli History 16, no. 2 (summer 1996): 158-94.

"Kennedy, Ben Gurion and the Battle Over Dimona: April-June 1963" (in Hebrew). Iyunim Bi-Tkumat-Israel 6 (1996): 110-146.

"The Nuclear Equation in a New Middle East." Nonproliferation Review 2,no. 2 (winter 1995): 12-39.

"Stumbling Into Opacity: The United States, Israel and the Atom 1960-1963." Security Studies 4, no. 2 (winter 1994-95): 195-241.

"Most Favored Nation." Bulletin of Atomic Scientists 51, no. 1 (January-February 1995): 44-53.

"The Nuclear Issue in the Middle East in a New World Order." Contemporary Security Policy 6, no. 1 (1995): 49-69.

"How to Think About--and Implement--Nuclear Arms Control in the Middle East." Washington Quarterly (spring 1993): 101-113. Reprinted in Brad Roberts, ed. U.S. Security in an Uncertain Era. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1993.

"Nuclear Shadows in the Middle East: Prospects for Arms Control in the Wake of the Gulf Crisis." Security Studies 1, no. 1 (autumn 1991): 54-77. With Marvin Miller.

"Opaque Nuclear Proliferation." Journal of Strategic Studies 13, no. 3 (September 1990): 14-44. With Benjamin Frankel.

"Israel's Nuclear Monopoly Revisited." Journal of Strategic Studies 13, no. 3 (September 1990): 64-76. With Marvin Miller.

"Lackey on Nuclear Deterrence: A Public Policy Critique or Applied-Ethics Analysis." Ethics (January 1987): 457-472.

"Ever Since Hiroshima: Humanity Under the Shadow of the Bomb" (in Hebrew). Zmanim (1985): 158-166.

Book chapters

"Nuclear Arms in Crisis Under Secrecy: Israel and the 1967 and 1973 Wars." In Planning the Unthinkable: Military Doctrine for the Use of Weapons of Mass-Destruction, eds. Peter R. Lavoy, Scott D. Sagan and James J. Wirtz, forthcoming.

"The Men and the Ethos that Made the Israeli Nuclear Program Possible." In The Dynamics of Middle East Nuclear Proliferation, eds. Steven Spiegel and Michael Blakley, forthcoming.

"The Lessons of Osiraq and the American Counterproliferation Debate." In International Perspectives on Counterproliferation , eds. Mitchell Reiss and Harald Muller. The Woodrow Wilson Center, Working paper No. 99, 1994.

"Patterns of Nuclear Opacity in the Middle East: Understanding the Past, Implications for the Future." In Aurora Papers 16: Regional Approaches to Curbing Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East and South Asia, ed. Tariq Rauf, 13-54. Ottawa: The Canadian Center for Global Security, December 1992.

"Nuclear Weapons, Opacity and Israeli Democracy." In National Security and Democracy in Israel, ed. Avner Yaniv, 197-225. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1992. Reprinted in Benjamin Noyberger and Ilan Ben Ami, eds. Democratia Ve-Bitachon Leumi Be-Yisrael. Tel Aviv: Open University Press, 1996, 594-623.

"Curbing Regional Arms Competition: The Case of the Middle East." In Non-Proliferation in A Disarming World, ed. Sadruddin Aga Khan, 119-123. Geneva: Bellerive Foundation, 1990.

"Reflections on Realism in the Nuclear Age." Realism and Morality: International Ethics in the Nuclear Age, eds. Kenneth Kipnis and Diana Meyers, 220-238. Boulder: Westview Press, 1987.

"Deterrence, Holocaust and Nuclear Weapons: A Non-Parochial Outlook on the Israeli Nuclear Dilemma." In Security or Armageddon: Israel Nuclear Strategy, ed. Louis Rene Beres, 173-190. Lexington: Lexington Books, 1986.

"The Nuclear Predicament." In Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Humanity, eds. Cohen and Lee, 1986, 1-45. With Steven Lee.

Short articles

"Peres: Peacemaker, Nuclear Pioneer." The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 52, no. 3 (May-June 1996): 16-17.

"A Sacred Matter." The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 49, no. 5 (June 1993): 39-41.

"Did Nukes Nudge the PLO?" The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 49, no. 12 (December 1993): 11-13.

"The Israeli Press Covers, and then Covers Up, the Bomb." Deadline (a bulletin of the Center for War, Peace and the News Media at New York University) 6, no. 2 (summer 1991): 17-19.

"Israel's Nuclear Ambiguity." The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 43, no. 2 (March 1987): 15-19.

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